Tagebuch 68;2012 englisch

Diary 68
On 20 March 2012
We know that every elementary particle is composed of many smaller particles. But we can never be detected. Suppose the electron is the size of a planet. We know that a planet is composed of atoms. The same applies also to the electron. So the electron is composed of nearly infinite number of electric atoms. And so on.
We know that we do not get the overview of the next larger context in which our universe is.
Suppose our universe is a single solar system. This space-solar system
located in a space-galaxy. And so on.
I described the ever elsewhere.
Once inside (the smallest particles) is a white ball, in which can not penetrate us.
To outside (to the larger context) there is a white ball in the can not reach us.
The outer sphere is the boundary of the overview and knowledge of the inner sphere is the boundary of the detailed knowledge.