Tagebuch 57;2011 englisch

Diary 57
On 27 November 2011
Our space is limited. It has a beginning (of a big bang I do not think so!) And it will come to an end (as always).
Now there is also the assumption that there are many universe (worlds) are. But these are all just as limited as our universe.
Even though there are infinitely many worlds limited, they are all limited combined.
Now I do believe in the immensity of the universe.
Therefore I am of the opinion there is one and only one universe that is limitless.
In this world there are all "creatures" that we produce our limited infinite worlds.
That means many beings are involved in a limited space.
It is even crazier.
If I accept that I am a creature of this world that I call my living, me, placed here in the world and deliver from the other side for me was the consciousness.
So I am a product of this borderless world, and will perhaps never arrive in this world.
We humans have caused the Internet to life. With no big bang.
Let's say I'm in a position to develop a living in the computer (an avatar), who own consciousness gets from me.
He is aware of his world on the Internet. He wonders where I come from and where am I going?
He knows only the cyber world.
He thinks there is still a world out of this world? How many worlds there are out of my world?
My world is limitless?
How big is my world?
What do they think this avatar will ever learn to know our world?
Even if it should exist three-dimensionally on my screen.
Accept it, my avatar is experiencing a cardiac arrest. Will he get to know because of my computer in the world?
To the east of the Maya world is our existence.
Maya is our world is an illusion. It consists only of zeros and ones. A digital system.
Resembles that of a non-cyber world?
Will we ever get out of this world, or we end up in a pure world of ideas for good?
You should make even the book Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder.
Briefly to this story:
Who are you, an unknown sender Sofie asks in a letter. On the same day a second letter, where does the world? This time the writer wants to know.
Sophie embarks on the adventure of thinking and thus begins an exchange of views between the two.
In short, in the end it turns out that the letter writers and Sophie's entire world is just a product of a major. Exists only in thought the Majors Sofie and her Philosohpielehrer.
You may not intervene in the world of the majors, and finally arrive in a world of ideas, where they live forever.
A wonderful book of philosophy. Everyone should know.
So once again:
I believe in this borderless world.
I believe that the essence of this world we live in the world have called.
Only one thing I do not know if we will ever get out of our world in this borderless world.
I still think it would be nice if we could live eternally in a spiritual world.
So there are two boundless worlds.
First The material world, and boundless
Second The ideal (mental) borderless world
Both are in limitless space (infinity) and unlimited in time (forever).
The material produces borderless world ideologically limited worlds.
Among other things, our universe.
At the end (death) of any living being ideally limited land, this being in the ideal world without borders.
Comparable to the store of information on a larger memory.
Let's say on a PC running our world.
Now there are a different PC to run the many worlds.
All run infinitely many worlds there limited spatially and temporally unlimited unlimited.
So there you go on forever.
How is this ideal infinite world looks?
Whether our animals live with us, whether our plant there live with that I do not know everything. But I could imagine.
In this ideal world, we can boundless timeless journey from one world to another world. From one place to another place. In a moment.
Suppose our world is an Internet.
And we take on different worlds have different Internet's.
we assume in the ideal world all the boundless store's various Internet compatible.
So that we are able to visit all the worlds are limited.
There are almost an infinite number of limited conceptual worlds. And it always happen ideally limited new worlds.
All these worlds are boundless land at the end in the ideal world.
Our world consists only of bit's.
Even the infinite ideal world there's only bits.
But it is precisely in time and space bounds.
That means we can ideally in the boundless world travel to each world from its beginning to its end.