Tagebuch 50;2011 englisch

Diary 50
On 14 May 2011
Our world is limited in time and space is limited. In it there are limited creatures.
If many worlds are limited in time and space are limited, they are also put together a limited time and limited space. In these limited beings exist.
But it must be one world and only one world that is limitless in time and space is unlimited. In this there are limitless living beings (in the infinite time and infinite in space).
In this borderless world were developed through the boundless living beings with the ideas for the limited world and its limited beings and turned into reality.
And the limited worlds are "controlled" by the boundless living beings from the borderless world.
On 20 May 2011
So there is a boundless world.
In this world there are all "potential" being. I am a "possible" being is, nobody here doubts. So I must also exist as "possible" being in this borderless world!
So resurrection in the borderless world as an unlimited being.
Again, I am a potential being.
But there exist in the boundless world all manner of beings already, so I must already exist there although I still here, living in the limited world!
All beings who have ever lived in limited worlds, all beings who live in limited worlds, all beings who will ever live in limited worlds and all beings who will never live in confined environments exist in the borderless world as a limitless being.
On 21 May 2011
If I believe in a borderless world, then I need to live as limitless beings in this borderless world.
But if I just believe in limited environments and really believe that there are infinitely many worlds, I've already lived infinitely many times before I was born into an infinite number of worlds. As for what a creature whatsoever. Now I live as a man in a finite world. After my death as a human being, I'll be back in an infinite number of worlds as "I" live. As for what a creature whatsoever.
So I'm always, whether in an infinite number of worlds or limited in a borderless world!
Better a limitless life as limitless individual life.