Tagebuch 51;2011 englisch

Diary 51
On 04 June 2011
In a borderless world, everything is limitless. The species of living organisms and their immortality.
Every living thing can transform into any living being. There will always be the one living being. Also, a limitless beings are transformed into a limited world (a universe). It can become self-determined. If a limitless beings want to be a more limited space, it turns back into a different being.
Conclusion from this:
Our limited space is a limitless being. This is but i k e n God. But a being like every other living being limitless.
There are in the infinity in the boundless creatures no hierarchy.
They are power structures. Energy-beings. Pure energy. They know every detail of their energy body. They need no food, no drinks, but they can enjoy food and drinks.
Of course there is also the boundless love. Physical and spiritual love, encourage development.
The borderless world is also the world of limitless possibilities.
A boundless beings can split up into countless living beings existing limited and it may again be only a whole species.
Too many can combine limitless living beings to a limited creature. Maybe even to a limited space.
A limited universe may consist of an infinite number of beings or of boundless being.
All worlds are pure energy limited environments consisting of boundless energy beings.
When I think about:
I have a pure boundless energy body, which is limitless changeable.
Every infinite being can be transformed into a limited being and later reconverted back into a limitless being.
Energy bill being and nature are energy beings again later.
Each boundless energy essence is an individual.
Communicate how these beings, I do not know.
Each individual has his privacy. It can Webhelp and it can close itself.
Here I seem to be a limited man. There I am living a limitless energy. I stress being.
One more thing:
I propagate a new religion. But the reality I try to fathom why this is more than a new philosophy.
Everyone can believe what he wants. I want to gain knowledge by reasoning. Philosophical thinking. All philosophy consists of speculation about what the reality is not k ö nnt e. By no means should be.
No man alive can grasp reality. It will only be piecemeal. Everyone goes a short way through the finite, just to finally get into the infinity, where he was before his start.
Our limited world, our universe consists of many infinite beings.
I'm convinced.
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