Tagebuch 98;2014 englisch

On 07/01/2014
A regional channel is the product of a particular region.
How ever is the bread of the baker himself, so little may be the region is a
regional station .
If you do not know the baker (eg the bread from the supermarket ) . Then you
can just say the bread was good or not.
Just as it is with the regional station .
If you do not know the area, then you can start with little regional station .
But one can reasonably deduce from a regional station ( image + sound) on the
region roughly .
So we can conclude from our earth to a world outside of our universe . But only
if you look at our earth exactly .
It is the product of the "eternal" Earth!
The "eternal" Earth is the Creator and our Earth is the product.
The creatures of the "eternal" earth are the producer ( creator ) of
our animals and plants and all matter on earth.
Our Earth is a regional station of the early earth .
Is our earth now well done or not.
The answer must give himself any .