Tagebuch 96;2013 englisch

God and the Devil
On 24 November 2013
What is God come to be?
By coincidence ?
Through natural selection ?
Through creation?
Who created the Creator?
He was always there ?
Was not born ?
Never gonna die?
Will never get sick ?
Will never get old ?
How old is he?
He knows no time ?
If he has no space ?
Does not he know day and night?
He never sleeps ?
If he has no wife?
Does he have children ?
When did God create the angels ?
Are angels immortal?
If God is infallible?
How was it then that God created the devil ?
Not only that,
He also created the devil his own apartment !
An apartment with torture devices !
The Inquisition says hello !
The devil was once the most beautiful angel.
And he will also be today.
I think angels are immortal?
And if the devil is killed at the end of time by God?
What will become of hell?
What will happen to the inmates of Hell ?
Without their boss?
From the Book of Revelation :
The final victory over Satan
20.7 to 10
When the 1000 years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison . He
will go out to the folks at the 4 corners of the earth to deceive Gog and Magog
and bring them together for battle , they are as numerous as grains of sand on
de sea. They swarmed over the broad earth and surrounded the camp of the saints
and God's beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them .
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of burning sulfur ,
where the beast and the false prophet are .
Day and night they are tortured for all eternity. From whom?
Who was not recorded in the book of life (God did not have a computer laughing
, he has not yet led book!) Was thrown into the lake of fire.