Tagebuch 94;2013 englisch

the unit
On 17 November 2013
There is the number 1
I do halve .
I halve it again and again.
I will never reach zero.
Every small number is still halved .
I'll double the number 1
I double it again and again.
Even the large number can be doubled again.
I will never reach infinity.
But in reality there is only the first
It is the unit of the base unit .
How big the unit is nobody knows .
No one knows what it consists of .
Anyway, it's a Grundweltall .
A basic atom.
Or whatever.
Indivisible and unverdoppelbar .
In this Grundweltall all other worlds are mirrored.
The other worlds are only part of the worlds Grundweltalls .
Part worlds of unity.
This partial worlds are virtual worlds .
Only the Grundweltall is the reality that Objective reality .
Virtual worlds are just part of the realities .
The non- realities.
And the partial worlds are seemingly be doubled and halved .
So that you can find just a beginning in the sub- worlds and no end.
So much for the lenses a reality and the many virtual realities .