Tagebuch 89;2013 englisch

Size and time
(The principle is identical with the atom Fraktalprinzip)
On 20 August 2013
Infinitely small infinitesimal time.
Time zero downtime.
Infinite infinite time.
Infinity eternity.
Eternity same time
Infinity identically zero.
There is only one size and only one time.
Unit size and unit time.
What does this mean?
Space and time are uniquely determined!
How big are we do
not know exactly.
How did everything to?
Space and time have
always been there.
The room was always filled.
The era began
With the creation of the first virtual
world, the world era
Previously, there was no room in unit time bill!
The unit space is
the primordial atom or the primordial being with
Are primal uncreated,
unborn and immortal beings.
The primordial
atom is much larger than our