Tagebuch 88;2013 englisch

New to the
On 15 June 2013
In every cell of my body is a fertilized egg of
my parents.
Her whole story is
contained in every cell.
Not only that, But it is the complete history
of all ancestors included to the beginning of all life on Earth in a movie in word
and sound in every one of my cells.
And it goes on.
Not only the history of life is present in every one of my cells, but also the history of our entire universe is
stored in each of my cells in a film.
And even further.
Pass this history
of the entire universe of our universe arise
from until his last
in the future
is included as a movie in my every cell.
It is even crazier.
Not only in my cells that everything is included.
No, in every atom, every electron of seemingly
dead matter is not only my complete story but the
entire history of our universe contain.
Now it is crazy.
It is included in every electron of our universe the complete history of all limited worlds.
In a single movie with sound and image. Just
as a hologram!
Which is contained in every living
and dead matter.
So, I am included in every human who ever lived and will ever live, and
everyone is in me
that ever lived and will ever live.
So I would like to conclude my thoughts today.