Tagebuch 87;2013 englisch

Where do we come from?
On 04 May 2013
The egg of the woman is always an X chromosome.
The man's sperm contains x chromosomes (female) or a Y chromosome (male).
Every cell of the woman thus contains the x chromosome from the female egg and
a female x chromosome from the man
Every cell of the man accordingly contains an x chromosome from the female
egg and a male Y chromosome from the man
So every cell of a human egg cell contains the mother and the sperm cell of the
If I identify the egg of the mother with the mother and identifying the sperm
cell of the father and the father, then the following occurs:
The mother united with the Father, and they become a united beings!
So the father enters the mother and they are a creature! If you are a female,
then the father was female. If you are a male, then the father was male.
Imagine, our earth is a female egg.
Now comes a female spaceship (x chromosome) and penetrates into the female
earth. Would have to share our planet. In many cells of a woman.
Or a male space ship (Y chromosome). Then our world would be a man.
There must be a space ship, yes. Some sort sperm.
There are female eggs came to earth as well as male and female sperm.
Source whatsoever.
Anyway, much more sperm than eggs.
How did they come to Earth?
Someone has brought on the earth?
In the water?
And if so, who was that?
How can you imagine that?
In my father and mother are united as long as I live.
In me all my father's ancestors and all the ancestors of my mother are united,
as long as I live.
There was a first human pair?
Was then operated inbreeding?
Where did the first human pair?
I can not believe that apes and humans have common ancestors.
But how it came to people otherwise?
I do not believe in the Genesis especially.
Where do people come from?
Anyway, I am a descendant of the first human couple! Or the first human pair?
Are the first human couple landed here on Earth? If so, where did they come
Where is the space ship go?
It must be able to find somewhere yes!
Are there people who remember?
I am almost convinced that somewhere there exists on earth, a functioning
Maybe somewhere in the depths of the oceans?
Maybe it shows up at a certain time?
Yet people are on this spaceship?
Captain Nemo says hello!
Nemo or nobody or nobody!
Could say with the spacecraft
U-boats travel through the seas.
Now I come to the fantastic.
But it all builds up to logic.
Our ancestors are aliens who are still on the ground (or water).
Why is the North Pole a deep hole in the ground? Under water! The North Pole has no land!