Tagebuch 84;2013 englisch

the 06th March 2013
I am the program a real existing system from the real existing world. On the
real existing world.
A being or two beings.
I was switched to free and I will be deleted.
Our world has been enabled and will be deleted.
The fertilized egg my mother is still in me?
Or all of my cells are fertilized eggs?
Will I ever again and unlocked permanently deleted? 10 ^ 44x/Sekunde.
Thus I get older.
Our universe is deleted in this rhythm and then switched freely.
Our universe becomes older.
I seem so total
Nachgestaltung an existing real essence of the real world on a flat surface
as three-dimensional human being.
Our virtual simulation has virtual laws.
If I chop his foot against a stone will hurt me. Virtually pain!
It will not hurt but the being whose program I am!
These natural laws are enrolled in our program. We can not change them, we can use
Natural laws are laws of virtual simulation in which we can move only as a
virtual entity. A movement outside this virtual simulation us is virtual being
But real beings in the real world can move easily as virtual beings in our
virtual world.
Only: they are not at the virtual "natural laws" bound.
You can practically walk through walls.
You can fly. You can do everything we can not. You know all languages, all
dialects of the entire universe, of all living beings, animals and all plants.
Real beings have no virtual boundaries.
We think our world is an objectively real world. We know no other world, so
they must be real and there is no other world! This is strictly atheistic.
I am also an atheist. Still, I do not believe that our world is the only world
and I do not think it is objectively real. Simply for the reason because it is
limited in time and space. Consequently, it can "only" be virtual
So we live in "a" matrix, to stay with the concept of the film and
realize this is not easy. Only the real world is not shown as in the movie. We
can "to" objectively real world (unlimited in space and unlimited in
time) not imagine. For that we just do not have the feeling. I can not say that
to us missing the spirit. We can think of all that we can at all
"believe" and we can not know with certainty.
Only one thing we know for sure:
The individual has no eternal life, the whole of humanity has no eternal life,
and as a last resort: Our universe has no eternal "life."
What existed before our universe there and what will be again after our
universe since.
I do not think it is just nothing. I do not believe in an oscillating universe
(Big Bang Big Bang Big Crash Big crash, etc.)
I do not believe in the "heat death" and then it's all over.
Why in logic actually against "a" borderless world? Better against
"the" borderless world? Against "the" infinite life?
The ever expanding world without limitless life is dead and desolate! This is
something I just can not believe that goes against my logic "gut
feeling". A boundless world requires just too boundless life.
Each has its own logic. I only believe what I see is me thinking just too
I do what I think is more like it.
The truth is we will only learn if we bless the "temporal". When we leave
this earth.
In any case I hope that this is not the end for me, but that after the
"real" life is continued there, where we were before we came to this
I say again:
Anyone can "believe" what he wants. And each has its own unique world
view, this is just "my" world view. It is logical atheist (without
God and the Devil), it "seems" to me. And it is my "personal