Tagebuch 83;2013 englisch

Our world, a
virtually simulated hologram
At 03 March 2013
First our world
Second Virtual simulation
Third hologram
First Our world
is made up of the earth. The
earth is in our solar system.
The solar system is located in the Milky Way (galaxy). Our galaxy is in our
galaxy clusters. Our galaxy clusters is in our super clusters of galaxies. Our super clusters of galaxies is in our universe.
Second Virtual simulation
is an artificial one Nachgestaltung available real system. Our universe
is thus the Nachgestaltung an existing real world.
Third A hologram is an imaging method on a surface to create a three-dimensional space.
Our universe seems so total Nachgestaltung an existing real world on
a flat surface as shown three-dimensional space.
And this is
just a virtual simulated
hologram generated by the existing real world.
A simulated virtual hologram is a regional
But since there are infinitely many
regions, there are infinitely many regional programs.
Old programs are switched off.
New programs can be switched freely.