Tagebuch 76;2012 englisch

Diary 76
20 October 2012
Space is infinite, then the time is limited.
If the time is eternal, then the space is limited.
So first time infinite space
First time ever space
So: This world is limited, and unlimited time.
The hereafter is limited in space and time limits.
This world has no beginning and no end in space. The time has beginning and
In the Hereafter, the beginning and the end of space. Time has no beginning and
no end.
Let's say in this world, the atomic principle applies in the space of an ever
smaller to ever larger.
Without having seen the smallest can and can not recognize the greatest.
Next, we assume in the Hereafter there is only one solar system. Which in
itself is no longer divisible and can not be enlarged.
Also, we can assume that the time is set in this world. You can not add a
second and take a second.
In the Hereafter, however, we can divide the time into the smallest parts, and we
can extend the time for all eternity. There is not the smallest part of the
time and there is no most of the time.
Once more:
In this world the atomicprinciple is in the room and in the hereafter, the
atomic principle applies in time.
In this world is the principle of unity of time and in the hereafter is the
principle of unity in the room.
In this world there is life on the smallest parts and to the biggest parts.
In the Hereafter there is only life on the limited part. But this part has
space for all life that Ever lived in this world and will ever live in this
world. So it is not small in the space, even though it is just limited in
The limited life in infinite space there are only a limited number of creatures
in the infinite space.
Since the creatures in the afterlife but have eternal life, there are also a
limited number of organisms. Although their number is large but only limited.
All creatures of this world who have ever lived and will live each have their
place in the afterlife.
The hereafter is only a solar system but it is not like our solar system!!
It is far more comprehensive. Comparable to a universe. But it is limited in
space. And since it is limited in space, it is tiny compared with the boundless
space in this world.
And the limited time in this world is tiny compared with the boundless time in
the afterlife.