Tagebuch 74;2012 englisch

Diary 74
On 18 August 2012
Our world is digital.
That is because our
world is = 1
Our world is not as = 0
However, this is as fast as 10 to 34 / second.
We can not determine that.
Also, I am there once = 1
And not once
since = 0
I can tell just because
I'm getting older.
If this rhythm is not present, I would not age.
This rhythm is not
there in reality.
There is not age!
One lives forever. Without having to be born
and it has not
been well established. There is only one spiritual development.
Is a physical development does not it!
For spiritual development, it belongs
also to create digital worlds! Among others.
Digital programs of all kinds spiritual development is
just too digital
Once more:
In reality, it is
physically and mentally
stable dynamically.
In the digital world it is physically and
mentally dynamic constant.
Only a few are in the digital world
make it physically dynamically coordinate mentally
dynamic. The exceptions
are complete. One
of the exceptions was Plato.
With his allegory of the cave, he
took the spiritual dynamic development
He said: All are
trapped in their views. For them,
the silhouettes are considered
reality. Otherwise there is not easy.
Only when one comes, they freed from their
chains and shows them the reality,
then they will realize this.
The 100th Man will do it!
So we wait
it off.