Tagebuch 73;2012 englisch

Diary 73
On 11 July 2012
We live in a world of mirrors.
All worlds are limited to the Mirror Worlds borderless world. Each limited world is a mirror of this limited part of the borderless world.
We will end up in the mirror in the real world (behind the mirror). So we go through the mirror at the end.
All living things go at the end of the mirror world through the mirror into the real world.
The real world is eternal, the infinite world. And that lies behind the mirror.
In the real world time-space travel is possible in any direction.
Stargate (stargate) makes it possible. Stargate is the mirror.
Stargate mirror-identical.
Stargate into reality.
Each has its own limited world Stargate.
So you can travel through our Stargate to reality and from there by any Stargate to another world, any mirror.
Mirror mirror-world-reality world.
In reality, there are an infinite number of levels. These are numbered.
So in 2012 we left the mirror world and go into a reality.
In the year 2500 we re-emerge in the mirror world.
Or maybe we dive at -2500 in the mirror world.
In reality, an infinite number of levels (programs) in which we can go inside.
Each individual mirror contains a program
(a limited world). It depends on how long we want to stay in a program. We can visit each Spiegewelt special parts.
So basically:
Mirror mirror-world-reality world.
First Mirror world choose
Second Spiegelort choose
Third Mirror the time of pick
4th Mirror time select
5th Mirror Time Lapse
6th Mirror space jumps
From reality to all mirror worlds.
Of a borderless world in unlimited number of mirror worlds.
Mirror worlds are virtual worlds. Illusory worlds. Unreal worlds. Programs. Islands.
Only one way out. Necessity.
Purely in many directions. Possibilities.
From there:
Where, when and for how long.
I will never visit again, a mirror world!