Tagebuch 72;2012 englisch

Diary 72
On 22 June 2012
What will happen in 500 years?
The Internet is no longer there.
Phones no longer exists.
It is networked all over the world each with each. From newborn to the emeritus professor. This happens through a chip in the brain of every newborn.
Nevertheless, each one individual and that has its own secrets.
Language Barrier is not here anymore.
Schools, as we know it is no longer there. Everyone learns from everyone from small up to the end of life.
National borders no longer exist.
States are different communities no longer exist.
Currency of any kind are no longer there.
Religion no longer exists.
Each developed in the course of his life, his very own world view that extends continuously reviewed and modified.
Sport is very important. Fitness, wellness part of it.
One more thing.
People are not only interconnected, but they are also linked with the production.
They control, for example, from home or from on the way, vehicles, machinery and equipment which are all fully automated. Whether in agriculture or in industry. Everywhere there are artificial beings (today we call it even robots that resemble
But human individuuen) in use, the commands received from certain people. A person controls a robot.
Every person can do many things in parallel, but keeps it always in control.
The man needs his regular routine. He may as well turn off the network completely.
Shutdown, power-on. In an individual rhythm. That every person learns as a child.
The network offers music, videos, games and many friends with whom you can talk to.
Man is a creature made public. Therefore, a privacy (privacy) is necessary for recovery from power.
Nothing is mandatory, but it works on a voluntary basis.
Of course there is the development from infant to toddler, the school child, the apprentice, the student and the end, for "working people".
These stages take place but all over the net.
There are classes, but no more classrooms. They exist only virtually. Teachers are, of course. But which operate only over the network.
Anyone can cancel at any time to teach him and resume it later.
Some will not study, they want to "work" better.
Others are teachers, lecturers or professors. Each in his particular field of study.
Scientists of all Choleur develop.
Philosophers, physicists, biologists, chemists, astronomers, etc.
Everyone learns all his life until the end of life.
What happens after that will not even know these people. Here begins the faith. Not to be confused with religion.