Tagebuch 71;2012 englisch

Diary 71
On 11 June 2012
I believe in life before and life after.
The one before that is the same life as the afterlife.
That said, I also live there now, although I live here.
My life is there no beginning and no end, it is limitless.
My life here is limited. It has a beginning and an end. Here I am playing myself only, I live there!
What I really am a being, on the other hand, I do not know. I'm certainly not a "person".
In the borderless world (eternity-infinity) limitless beings live (forever).
You can immerse yourself in a limited world and disappear there again.
They appear there on a Atavar.
As an alien, human, animal or plant.
And these creatures are made only
0 and 1 On a small scale as a whole.
Therefore, the body consists of 0 and 1
And it is because the body either = 1 or you do not da = 0
It is also limited to the entire universe.
Bei1 it is there and at 0, it is not there.
Start 1
01010101010101 ....
Target 0
This applies to the individual living beings and for the whole finite universe.
0 means do not go away. Rather, it means that all saved!
The rhythm is for the whole and all its contents at the same time. There is no exception.
It is the rhythm of a life-time or limited universe (a finite world).
The rhythm is so fast that we are not noticing. We see it only because we grow old!
The alien is aging, man grows old, the animal ages, the plant ages and ages the universe.
All ages in the same rhythm.
Everything has its hour 1 hour and everything there is a 0 in a limited space.
And the universe has limited his time and his hour 1 0th
Mean age movement. Immobility means death within a limited space.
The be all and end all, that the question is here!
I do not believe in reincarnation, if someone thinks that here.
I believe in my boundless life in the borderless world and I do my limited life in the finite world.
Something else: Two round glass rods in a row held, I get a telescope, with which I can see the whole sky.