Tagebuch 70;2012 englisch
Diary 70
On 10 May 2012
We jump at any moment from the past into the future.
From t to t + t = 0 over
t = 0 what is it? Is not it! But what happens in 0? There is a switch.
-t 0 + t
But who on here?
Someone has to turn it on time!
Movement is caused by time stepping.
If the time is not weitergeschalten, there would be no movement and there would be no space!
I do not believe in a God!
-t 0 + t, + t is re-t
-t 0 + t 0-t 0 + t 0-t 0 + t
-t 0 + t off + t is automatically re-t 0 + t
It is thus switched twice.
Once the system switches from the past into the future, then the future will be reverted to the past is the past and then switched back to the future.
Start in the past x
1If a future past
1 is the future past two
Past 2 Future 2
2 is the future past three
Past 3 Future 3
3 is the future past four
Past 4 Future 5
Target in the future y
The time had a beginning so in the past and they will have a goal in the future.
So who determines the beginning of the forwarding and the End of Time?
The programmer of the universe.
At time 0 (present) is turned off the universe!
In the time-t and it's gone in the time t + it's back.
In the past, the universe and into the future is because the universe.
But we only remember the past. Although we are in the future!
If it is turned off in the future the time, there is no more space!
Start and end time of the target are programmed.
We have no influence.
This program exists as a time frame and the space program will be designed freely.
The evolution of the universe is free but the schedule is fixed!
Let's say an hour, we can move freely and that's the end.