Tagebuch 65b;2012 englisch

What is the basic formula of our universe?
On the 06th February 2012
CG = central star (sun) = 99% of the total mass of the system.
P = planet (in the solar system) = 1%
CC = central star galaxy (Sun)
99% of the total mass of the system.
S = solar systems (in Galaxy) = 1%
ZH = central star cluster (Sun)
99% of the total mass of the system.
G = galaxy (in clusters of galaxies) = 1%
CG = central star of super clusters of galaxies
(Sun) 99% of the total mass of the system.
FV = central star of the universe (sun)
99% of the total mass of the universe.
The universe is about 1% from solar systems! And 99% of the central star.
Principle from the small to Entire:
99% + 1% pet central star = total system.
99% +1% = 100%
(4/3 pi xr high 3) x 1 = 99% (4/3 pi xr high 3) xn = 1%
A solar system has 10 planets
Galaxy 10 has a power of 12 planets
A galaxy cluster has 10 power of 20 planets
A supercluster has 10 high 36 planets
10 to 44 has an outer space planet
Galaxy 10 has a high 8 solar
A galaxy cluster has 10 power of 16 suns
A supercluster has 10 power of 24 suns
A space has 10 power of 32 suns
A galaxy has a sun
A galaxy cluster has 10 high 8 solar
A supercluster has 10 power of 16 suns
A space has 10 power of 24 suns
A galaxy cluster has a solar
A supercluster has 10 high 8 solar
A space has 10 power of 16 suns
A supercluster has a sun
A space has 10 high 8 solar
A space has a sun
The universe is 10 to 32 solar systems.
The supercluster has 10 high 24 solar systems.
The cluster has 10 to 16 solar systems.
The Galaxy has 10 to 8 solar systems.
The universe is 10 to 32 Sun systems.
The universe is 10 to 24 galaxies.
The universe has 10 power of 16 clusters of galaxies.
The universe has 10 high 8 superclusters.
The supercluster has 10 high 24 solar systems
The universe has 10 power of 24 galaxies
The cluster has 10 to 16 solar systems
The universe has 10 power of 16 galaxy clusters
The Galaxy has 10 to 8 solar systems
The universe has 10 high 8 superclusters
Basic formula for developing a fractal.
Of the total universe (background noise) to the basic formula close.
The basic formula must be found in a solar system. The solar system is the basic formula for the entire universe.
99 + 1 = basic formula
99,9 +0,1 = 100
Whether the relationship is true for the atom, I do not know