Tagebuch 61;2012 englisch

Diary 61
On 13 January 2012
The universe is not expanding.
The universe rotates around a center.
First The planets of our solar system revolve around the sun. Solar planets rotate faster near the sun. Sun distance, slowly rotating planets around the sun.
Second Solar systems revolve around a center in the galaxy. Solar systems that are close to the center rotate rotate faster around the center and solar systems, which are further away from the center, slowly around the center.
Third Galaxies rotate around a center. Galaxies that are close to the center are rotate faster than galaxies that are further away from the center.
4th Clusters of galaxies rotate around a center. Galaxy clusters that are closer to the center are rotate faster than galaxies that are further away from the center.
5th The universe rotates around a center. The closer the center of a supercluster, the faster it rotates. The farther one is from the supercluster center, the slower it rotates.
Since then rotates the entire universe, so it can not expand. If it would expand, there would be no space in our rotation.
First I am on the earth. The planets that are closer to the sun seem to me blue shifted. The planets that are farther away than the Earth from the sun appear red shifted to me.
Second The solar systems that are closer to the center of our galaxy appear to me blue shifted. The solar systems, which are further away from the center of the galaxy appear red shifted to me.
Third Galaxies that are closer to the center of the galaxy cluster galaxies appear blue shifted and which are further from the center of the galaxy cluster appear red shifted.
4th Galaxy clusters that are closer to the center of the supercluster appear blue shifted. Galaxy clusters, which are further appear from the center of the supercluster red shifted.
5th Superclusters of the universe that are closer to the center of the universe, are blue shifted. Superclusters, which are further away from the center of the universe are red shifted.
Are postponed because of the red earth, almost all systems, this means that we find ourselves with our Milky Way near the center of our universe. I know not how many stars are shifted from the earth seen from Blue. These are certainly closer to the center of our universe.
With the degree of redshift we can determine the distance of the stars from our earth. Of course, even with the degree of blue shift.
Blue indicates the center and red points away from the center.