Tagebuch 59;2012 englisch

Diary 59
On 26 December 2011
Building blocks of any universe is limited
1 and 0
So all limited worlds are digital. There are pure virtual worlds.
What is the situation now with the boundless world. It is also built digital? Yes! Because there are also male and female. Only with the difference that it is just limitless in space and time. Without beginning and without end.
So once again:
There are an infinite number of limited virtual worlds. And there is only a boundless virtual world!
In this borderless virtual world virtual worlds to create all limited.
But where is the boundless virtual world? Uncreated? Without beginning and without end in space? Without beginning and without end in time? Life without beginning and without end?
Is there a "non-virtual" borderless world? Sure. As I imagine that?
In this one borderless "not virtual" world, only this limitless "virtual" world is created. This is a "virtual" borderless world creates all limited "virtual" worlds. The limitless "virtual" world is the "Internet" the boundless "not virtual" world.
This Internet "borderless virtual world" creates its own "limited virtual worlds. So the Internet itself created new inter-Nette. In the limited interactivity puppets were again internal "inter Nice" was created.
Creator creator in the world in World Creator Creator of the world in the world, etc.
In other words:
Internet in Internet in Internet, etc.
Our world is the world's most extreme. In this world exists somewhere the earth. People living on this earth who have created their own Internet. When we are so far that our own Internet Internet creates? Does that mean our Internet is an independent world, which will create their own world again. Usw.usf.
But at some point will come to an end of our earth. Dies to the Internet so that the humanity and the Internet created by the Internet.
On 5 January 2012
But nothing is lost. Everything in our universe (from its beginning to its end) happened was recorded. There will always be available.
All past limited worlds were recorded, all the current lack of worlds to be recorded and all future worlds are limited to be recorded.
How is it possible that one or several
Organisms from the infinite non-digital world, in a limited digital world (because of me as a human being on earth) appears?
It does not in the boundless digital world, an Earth type with non-digital people!
Even in the boundless digital world, there is a digital world, live on the digital humans. Whether these beings are capable of limited in digital worlds to travel? I'm almost certain.
So there is a non-digital world in a borderless world, a digital earth in a borderless world and a digital earth in our limited world.
So on our earth can occur in two directions, people on earth. Non-digital and digital. No living man on earth can these people differ from "normal" people.
There are three different "earths" with three different "people".
So three different "dimensions" of our universe.
The first dimension is our limited digital world.
The second dimension is the global digital world.
The third dimension is not the boundless digital world.
The first dimension is included in the second dimension.
The second dimension is included in the third dimension.
"People", the third dimension can travel in the second and in the first dimension.
"People", the second dimension can only travel in the first dimension.
"People", the first dimension are unable to travel.