Tagebuch 54;2011 englisch

Diary 54
On 31 August 2011
We exist only in the mind of the "majors".
He thinks our universe. With all the solar systems of the universe. With all the creatures of the universe.
We have no chance to get into the world of the "majors". We will learn about his world, perhaps, but not by him and his world to be recognized.
We are the brainchild of a borderless nature of the borderless world. The world of "majors".
The world's "Sophie" is our world.
There is a boundless world of matter. This is the world of the "majors.
And there is an infinite spiritual world. That's the world go down in the "Sophie and Knox" at the end. We all end up in the infinite spiritual world.
Every material has its own infinite nature of spirit world.
All material limitless spiritual beings create the borderless world.
Are there agents in our limited intellectual world of limitless material world?
So agents of boundless physical world to control the limited intellectual world.
Only the unlimited spiritual world is free of boundless physical agents.
1st Materially, intellectually borderless world.
2nd Intangible mentally borderless world.
To 1) A substantive limitless spiritual beings produces an immaterial world mentally limited.
To 2) All material boundless spiritual beings produce an immaterial limitless spiritual world.
Whether I shall ever know my material in his spiritual creators of intellectual material borderless world, I do not know.
In any case, I will continue to live safely in an intangible intellectual borderless world, forever.
I live in a limited non-material world, and will later live in a borderless world intangible.
As whoever or whatever.
I will never feel that I "just" an intangible spiritual beings have.
I do not feel it now and will not feel it later.
Physical-mental-expanding world, and anti-spiritual-material infinite world.
Two equivalent worlds.
1st The material and spiritual-limitless physical world creates the anti-intellectual-limited environments.
2nd The anti-intellectual-physical infinite world creates the material and spiritual worlds-limited.
Two limitless worlds and worlds of many limited.