Tagebuch 52;2011 engglisch

Diary 52
On 18 June 2011
If time travelers on Earth
On 12 December 2012
Just show up, then they certainly do not come with a time machine here. But they just appear out of the boundless world here on in the limited world, without a time machine.
How is that possible?
They live on the primitive earth in the borderless world. They are easily able at any time, in any limited space to appear as any living being anywhere.
So why not at 12:12:12 on the limited ground in Queensland Australia?
Who will always be there. He is certainly not from our universe!
Temponauts are unborn and immortal!
Time travelers come from basically the borderless world.
Limited beings are not able to perform time travel.
On 19 June 2011
Worlds are limited shadow worlds.
The borderless world is the world of light.
In the shadow worlds of shadow creatures live.
In light of the world's living beings of light.
Beings of Light are the "producer" of the shadow worlds and their shadows.
Not to say, they are the "creator" of the worlds and their beings.
We are shadow beings in a world of shadows.
I am a shadow creature on earth in the shadow of a shadow world.
I am the light shade of my being.
Our world is the shadow of its light.
Our planet Earth is the shadow of light earth.
On the dark earth to live the essence of the being of light shade of light earth.
Among the beings of light earth still live on the light all of our ancestors and all our descendants and those who will never see the shadow of Earth.
Each planet is the shadow of his planet light.
Each sun shade is the light of their sun.
Each solar system is the shadow of its light solar system.
Each galaxy is the shadow of their galaxy light.
Each cluster is the shadow of his light of galaxies.
Each super cluster of galaxies is the shadow of his super-light galaxies.
Each universe is the shadow of his Lichtweltalls.
Each world is the shadow of her world of light.
Every being is the shadow of its light nature.
Our Earth is the shadow of its light soil.
I am the light shade of my being.
I live as a shadow creature on the earth shadow and light at the same time as being light on the earth.
I live in a finite world and at the same borderless in the world.
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