Tagebuch 49;2011 englisch

Diary 49
On 19 April 2011
If we were conceived in the belly of a mother? Are we still an embryo? Or we have already been born?
I think we have not yet been born. Simply because we know none of our brothers and sisters! We have detected even a brother or sister! That is, we know no other world! No other universe! We only know of our universe. Therefore we can not yet be born!
We are still in our mother's womb!
The background noise that we receive, the noise of the blood of our mother!
To our universe are surrounded by water.
Amniotic fluid. Right now is the Steady State model! This means that we develop ourselves and be bigger. Until we become so large that we are born. After birth, we also grow more rapidly, until we are (adult) age. Then there is no more growth in size.
As we age, we will choose our playmates (other worlds the same age). With which we grow up then.
Our earth is but one tiny cell in the body of the embryo. There are many such cells. Or are we just an atom? A cell is the entire solar system? Or even worse: If an entire galaxy, a single cell? Then the galaxy would have a DNS! A unique DNA. With a nucleus (core of the Milky Way). Just the usual composition of a cell. Then there is a cell mass: The cluster of galaxies.
And a larger cell structure: The super clusters of galaxies. Whether we already have a head or limbs, which I do not know. Anyway, we are in a sac filled with fluid.
So is our solar system, a single atom. The sun is the nucleus and the planets are the electrons. Many atoms form a cell. (Many planetary systems form a galaxy). The galaxy has a particular DNA, which is the same in all galaxies.