Tagebuch 48;2011 englisch

Diary 48
On 19 April 2011
Our universe had a beginning. As the ever looked.
Our universe will end. How is this Whatever.
As my life has a beginning
(Union of two cells, ie procreation).
And my life has an end (resolution of the body).
Just as it (Every living thing is somehow begotten) in my generation, I think it was also the beginning of our universe
(The first witnesses to speak).
It will also be at the end, all matter breaks up!
The question remains, who is "begotten" our universe? Whose child are we? Certainly not a god and a goddess!
The egg was a sun. But what was the sperm cell? It must have been many Sparmazellen! What were those cells? One of which has fertilized the sun! Were perhaps the planet? One is then crashed into the sun? Has entered into its center and has fertilized them. One can only speculate about it. But it must have been something like that.
But what I must conclude from this?
When creatures are begotten, and our universe was conceived, then our universe is a "creature" to be !!!!! The die at the end of his life must be!!
And we have many brothers and sisters. There are many worlds (universe).
Of newly conceived worlds of dying worlds and worlds of which are in their prime.
There are so many parents (one or more worlds testify).
That is, there is an entire community of worlds.
And an entire community of parents !!!!!!
The worlds have uncles and aunts. Sisters and brothers!
And so on. etc.
Can anyone let his imagination run wild.
Only one there is not: neither a god (and goddess), many gods (and goddesses).
There are only fathers and mothers, the "worlds" to the "world" to bring!
A "people" of fathers and mothers, and a "troop" of children!