Tagebuch 47;2011 englisch

Diary 47
On 09 April 2011
The Creator reveals himself to his creature.
It says so in the Bible.
The Creator speaks to his creation of the kingdom of the Creator. That this kingdom was near. What I think so too. But he was not in any case, the Creator, who spoke. Otherwise he would probably even be able to express more concrete. And above all else, he would have something concrete can leave written. Since he did not do that, he was not so
D E R S H E R P E R! He had no idea of this realm.
The creator of the earth is in any case, the creator of the universe, in no event shall the author of many worlds in any case, the creator of heaven and in any case, the creator of Angel (the creator of the devil and hell) usw.usf.
Jesus was a nobody (Nobody). If he knew anything, he concealed his knowledge. Or he found no one who understood him. If this is so, then he must despair at the people of that time. Today, he would just despair of the people, because he would not understand and believe him not.
So if he really knew something, then he would have better kept their mouths shut. Today he would certainly not say anything more. Unless he chanced to be admitted to the loony bin.
A creator is certainly not in thunders with a spaceship. And there will be no celestial phenomena. He just appears when and where he wants to be who or what he wants and how he wants. He will never say: I am so and so. He will appear to the one he chooses. If at all. I just do not believe that he shows up here on Earth. The people are primitive. They are all dogmatists (and I include myself, of course!). Everyone has a worldview that he has acquired in the course of his life.
Some did extend or change a rigid ideology and the other set, and match their belief in ever-new insights.
The rigid ideologies, those who orient themselves to a fixed font, which must never be changed.
The flexible worldviews have actually only the atheists who are geared to any specified fonts.
The Scripture believers say the absolute truth in our hands.
Atheists have but little half-truths in their views. You do not believe in the realization of an absolute truth. The absolute truth can only be approached but never reached it. Although I'm sure that there is the absolute truth! But we will never recognize alive.