Tagebuch 46;2011 englisch

Diary 46
On 08 April 2011
The Creator of all people is a human being (God).
The Creator of all dogs is a dog (God).
The Creator of all horse is a horse (God).
The Creator of all triangles is a triangle (God).
Utter nonsense coming out of there.
The creator of a pot is a pot (God).
The creator of a violet is a violet (God).
The creator of a house is a house (God).
The creator of a computer is a computer (God).
The creator of a homepage is a homepage (God).
The creator of a forum is a forum (God).
So now I will stop with this nonsense.
All beings who are close by to their creators fully on the wrong track.
It says in the Bible: What's the pot of white pottery.
So all the people who think they are God's image, are something of naive.
Above all, accept that there is only ONE of ALL creates is completely unreal.
The AN must not only create a universe, but MANY worlds. And not only many worlds, no, yes, he also had to create the Heaven and the many
That's actually probably too much stress for one God.
And then to the AN also have incarnated in this universe on this ONE ONE earth as Jesus here?
Nah, something I can not believe it.
So the potter makes himself known to his pots? How will that work?
The dog (God) reveals himself to his dogs?
The man (God) reveals himself to his creatures?
The Triangle (God) reveals himself to his three corners?
All this is absurd. Nonsense.