Tagebuch 45;2011 englisch

Diary 45
On 04 April 2011
I think of myself as a creature and to me as my Creator.
Each special creatures (whether human, animal or plant) has its own creator.
Each alien has its own creator. And every creature is its own creator.
Creator and creature on one side to the other side.
There are not many gods and not God exists.
There are many creators who all have equal rights over their creation.
I care a first sun was created.
Then planets were created for this first sun.
Later, several seed planets with life (I think this are simple formulas exist!) Fitted.
From the creators of these seeds developed protozoa.
For these single-celled organisms, they developed cell clusters.
From this they developed the first primitive plants and the first prehistoric animals.
Now, the creators of the shared primitive plants and protozoa, and developed further.
Now, more and more involved Creator.
There were always more developed organisms
(Plants and animals). And from the animal kingdom itself conscious beings have been developed (humans and aliens?).
Of course, other solar systems have been developed (created).
The primeval galaxies first formed.
The first was Urgalaxienhaufen.
The first was Ursupergalaxienhaufen.
And finally, many super clusters of galaxies formed a Urweltall. It was very much involved many creators.
This was because of me the Urweltall.
As the creators of the successful Urweltall seemed so good, they created a lot of other universe (worlds).
In each world they created different creatures.
Maybe the creator created a more Lebwesen.
Creator created only one or several organisms.
Perhaps a Creator created in several worlds.
There is only one world and the creator of many virtual worlds.
The creator of the world is boundless and limitless in space in time.
The creators are unborn and immortal.
The created worlds are limited in space and time. Even the creatures in the worlds created are temporary creatures.
Just one more thing to it.
The created beings are in no way likeness of their creators.
It is meaningless to extrapolate from one creature to his Creator want.
Would a dog think that he should not close out his creator was a dog. Nor should the man do. The creator of a man is never safe human-like.
What the creator of many worlds may seem.
No being of their creations like his creator. He may also never see similar. This is intentional. We should not draw conclusions on them.
I should be able to draw any conclusions about my maker (which I am even!). That's the interesting part. I do not know who I am, what I look like, if I'm alone or not, as a creator