Tagebuch 44;20111 englisch

Diary 44
On 26 March 2011
All worlds are limited parts of the borderless world.
In other words, the boundless world includes the limited worlds.
The limited space is part of the boundless space.
The limited time is part of the infinite time.
The limited beings are part of the boundless creatures.
I do not believe in an immortal soul.
I think of myself as immortal and unborn "somehow spirited and substantive" nature.
Can you ever rule out a limited world on a boundless world?
Can I even close as being limited to my limitless beings?
I just do it. It calms me down inside.
And it seems logical and reasonable.
I wish the goddess of wisdom, Sophia came to this earth from the primeval world. Then we would do far more (he) get-Kenntis.
On 27 March 2011
From darkness (ignorance) about the shadows (the part of knowledge) in the light (of knowledge).
From the darkness of the gray levels in the light of the colors and plenty of space.
The levels of knowledge.
Know yourself, better your self
Know your essence. Oracle of Delphi.
Anyone who was in the light of knowledge will never again return to the Dark World.
You get paid as much, as you can tolerate. One should not overdo it, of course. Always slow. The world is big. One should not get lost.
Only small tentative steps. Then larger steps. Then run. Faster and faster. Until you start to fly. Higher and higher to get a better overview. Nevertheless, one must also keep an eye on the details. It's a balancing act. A growing list of more and more details given. Until you get a complete overview of all the details of our world. But if that's even possible as a human being?
Since you have to know all the bodies of our world from time to time, beginning to end. That's not us in the possible maximum of 80 conscious years. It also takes us away from our earth is not.
So we are left with no choice but to wait. What ever may come.