Tagebuch 41;2011 englisch

Diary 41
On 18/02/2011
You could always arise an infinite number of worlds.
You could always pass an infinite number of worlds.
You will be constantly arise an infinite number of worlds.
You will be continually pass old worlds.
Creations without beginning, you end.
All creations were limited and will be limited in time and space.
Only the primitive world has been created or caused.
The primeval world is always (without beginning) and they will always exist (without end).
Boundless in space and time.
Creations of the prehistoric world without beginning and without end.
It will exist and will exist in the prehistoric world creations of the prehistoric world.
Without beginning and without end.
Infinitely many creators are involved in a world.
Infinitely many creators are involved in an infinite number of worlds.
Infinitely many creatures of the prehistoric world are involved in any creation.
Eternity creations of worlds (universe). On this side of
Space-time infinity eternity. Creator Beyond
Have always been created in the past worlds.
There will always be created worlds in the future.
I am the creature of my Creator. My Creator has created just for me. Nobody and nothing else.
My creator and I are One!
On 30 January 2011
1st The plants are the oldest living things.
You know most of their Creator.
2nd Next came the animals.
They know their Creator.
3rd The last who came were the people.
You know nothing of their creators!
Where did the idea of a (multiple) creation (s)?
From the world of ideas (original world)!
Once there was an initial limited world.
But there will be no final limited world.
The primeval world is eternal and infinite.
Their nature are unborn and immortal.
They are "material" "animals"! Not purely spiritual "essence"!
When there were no restricted worlds "creations" were, were the "essence" in its primeval world happy and satisfied!
As mankind lived happily ever after without a computer!
Even in the prehistoric world, there has been a development!
She has a story!
Now you might ask why there is limited worlds?
Then you could also ask why there is the www.?
At a certain point in the prehistoric world, there was a jump to a finite world.
As stated in the humanity at some point the leap was to www.!
What happened to the www. More?
Many virtual worlds: forums, chats, HP's; Facbook, twitter, google, etc.
How did all this?
With simple calculators.
Then a single computer filled an entire apartment.
Then came the C64 (C128), the Amiga, etc.
Where are we today?
The Internet.
And certainly not the latest invention in the direction will be!
After all, the Internet story times will be!
What comes next? Who knows?
Let us first time the aliens come, Laugh!
After the aliens but we have visitors from the prehistoric world! Wait and see!
On 31 January 2011
Is there a primeval world in the early earth?
Is the primordial Earth the place where the earth was created in our universe?
This means that life there, the creator of the earth, plants, animals, etc?
Is there a Ursonnensystem? Same as ours?
Is there a Urgalaxis? Milky Way the same?
Is our universe as the last image of a portion of the prehistoric world?
In other worlds, other parts are depicted?
If I like it!
Each limited world is a partial image of the primeval world!
But this part of the original image is not part of the prehistoric world!
Our part is just a sample image of the original part of the prehistoric world.
Take the radio (or television).
Because there are regional channels. The only specific to this region send.
In radio: Radio Saxony.
In television, the MDR.
These images are part of regional stations in the region of Saxony!
Our universe is a partial image of the original part of the prehistoric world. It then, in no way part of the original!
So, in concrete terms: Our earth is just a snippet of the original earth in the prehistoric world!
Our universe is governed by the laws of chaos, but the primitive world is governed by the laws of the cosmos!
Chaos = chaos
Kosmos = order
All worlds are limited only the primeval chaos worlds is the world cosmos!
All worlds are limited dual worlds.
The primeval world, the world unity.
Our universe is a parody of the original part of the prehistoric world.
The Earth in our universe is a parody of the original ground of the prehistoric world!
I am a parody of my Creator (which I'm even in the primitive world of the early earth!).
I'm no beauty, but imagination.
Zenit have exceeded my physical, but my spiritual zenith not yet been reached. I've reached the first on his deathbed. I'm still alive and I hope a long time. Will even more typing.
I know one thing certain: I am looking forward to the early Earth and on me!
All this and think I can not prove it. Either this story proves itself by a resident of the primeval world appears on this earth, or just do not. I'm not unhappy or happy about it. I am happy with my thoughts. They make me happy and I am so happy to have an explanation of "my" world, which does not require any "god" and without any "devil".
"Everyone has his own fortune (or misfortune) Smith" says an old proverb.
Have fun!
As you know, we live on earth.
Our Earth is in a solar system.
Many solar systems form a galaxy (Milky Way).
Many galaxies form a cluster of galaxies.
Many galaxies form a super cluster of galaxies.
Many super clusters of galaxies form our universe is finite.
Well I suppose that there are many universe (worlds) are.
Next I suppose that there were already many more worlds and always give a lot of worlds.
Next, I suppose that all these worlds, which were in existence and which arise are limited (they have a beginning and an end time) and are geographically restricted. So just not infinite.
Corrugated always existed and always will be.
But again these worlds arise and pass away.
And finally, since all worlds together are still limited in space and I believe however, that the space is limitless and the time is limitless.
The space is infinite and time is eternal.
So it must be one of the limited space outside the room is.
So a spatially infinite (infinite) and temporally infinite (eternal) to give the world.
This world I call primitive world. This is the only primeval world borderless world that exists.
All other worlds are indeed temporally and spatially limited.
"Live" in this primitive world now beings who are unborn and will never die. That is, they are always there and will always be there.
According to Plato this is the world of ideas.
Here are ideas for new worlds to be created.
These are not gods, are no angels, there are quite simply "creatures" to create the worlds and delete it again.
So I do not believe in "God" or "heaven" I do not believe in "angels".
I do not believe the "devil", not to its "helper" and nor do I believe in the "hell".
But one thing I believe:
Each person has his own creator.
I have my Creator.
You have your Creator.
Each animal has its creator.
Each plant has its creator.
Each world has its creator.
And now comes to the final.
Everyone but everyone is his own creator.
I am an "essence" in this primitive world and I have created in this world on this earth!
While I was conceived on this earth by my parents, but I'm determined from the prehistoric world from fertilized egg that sperm that.
This could not determine my parents!
Just try to google enter: Plato
This is a philosopher.
Who wrote the allegory of the cave.
Because it's about:
In the cave there are people.
They're bound, hands and feet are chained to their seat and can only see the rock wall.
Behind them burns a fire.
Behind it is a wall.
Now go past people behind this wall.
The wearing of any items, etc.
Now these people see only the shadows on the cave he d gone scurrying rock wall.
So they assume that these shadows of reality.
You know nothing else.
Now it is possible one of these people to liberate themselves.
He stands as up and climbs over the wall.
At first he is blinded by the light that is outside the cave.
After a while he gets used to it.
He starts to see colors.
He recognizes the real life.
Short and sweet.
He wants to return to the cave to tell his friends how the world really is.
They assume that he is by his excursion gone mad.
But since he does not stop talking about the real world, they kill him.
There can not be what should not be.
This is the end of the cave allegory.
The people who only see these shadows, this is the generality of the people.
You just do not want to get out of their cave.
But those who do not conform to the general public (that is not "normal"), which will be declared insane and must be sedated.
A Giordano Bruno is burned so 1600th Because he does not renounce his faith, his findings did.
There are many examples.
For example, Socrates, a philosopher, teacher of Plato, was sentenced to death for preaching truth and was too proud to reveal these truths.
Plato said, Socrates was the first who was freed from the cave. Therefore he had to die.
Today, it is not quite as brutal.
But inevitably you end up in the loony bin, if you knew the truth proclaimed.
Alright, that should be enough for today.
I hope I get an answer.
Questions You'll certainly have enough on the subject.
Plato thought Socrates was the one who has come from the shadows into the world of ideas (outside of the cave).
When he wanted to explain the Schattebildgläubigen, made up his death sentence. He had to drink the hemlock.
He could have averted the death sentence if he would again believe in the shadows.
This left but his pride will not.
I feel sorry for people who are not able to own ideas.
Just accept everything as the default structure of thought in this side.
And people who say yes to everything without their own profile and Amen!
Since there are enough members in this forum.
These people have a colorless Creator in the primeval world.
Although I do not think such a thing.
I think any creator of the prehistoric world (world of ideas) is equally strong in idea generation.
Just keep in this world just returned, to give the other the more color!
We live here in the shadow world. (Höhlengleichnis!).
It is only the few allowed to dive into the world of ideas.
If they then return to the shadow world, they are attacked by the shadow of believers (in extreme cases, stoned or burned!).
I do not believe in these shadows, I believe in the light of ideas!
Forgive me, I am developing now, only my thoughts.
Therefore, it goes back and forth through each other!
I am my creator.
I exist in the primitive world (the world of ideas) as the creator of my "Roodies" in this world.
All "ideas" that I get, I get out of the "primeval" or better yet "world of ideas" by me as "creator of the" Roodies ".
I react as a creator Roodie know how to react when Roodie in this universe.
So I'm just me as a creator and as a man!
Clearly I can not express myself in n moment.
I would like to explain to you why I have an example of Plato's "idea" bin.
Let's use the forum by Hans Otto.
Hans Otto had to call an "idea" a forum to life.
He put this "idea" in the "practice" and to set up this very forum.
He had certain ideas should look like. Over topics, etc.
What to expect he could not, the number of members.
And the way to reach different members.
He never reckoned with such variety of topics and never with people who bring their own areas would be strange.
etc., etc.
If you know what I mean.
First the idea is there. But as this idea evolves in practice, by the number of "participants" undetermined.
Everyone has a certain shape, according to Plato (because each has its own creator!).
Many different forms (Schöpfer!) give an indefinite practice.
So the one form is Tiger Lily and the other form is Roodie and the next shape, Hans Otto.
But each form (each person I care), many sub-forms (of thought) has.
And he always gets new "ideas" speak (subtypes).
But all this comes from the primitive world (the world of ideas). Be your own creator (the self) is specified.
I myself are not expressed clearly enough. Since the moment I first develop these ideas.
So you do not wonder how it looks now is mixed up here.
So I'm closer to Plato than Aristotle.
Plato says that ideas exist independently of the reality.
Reality is only a shadow of the existing ideas.
I think that's great that statement.
In my "primitive world" the "ideas" for "new worlds" to be born.
And then, these "ideas" into practice.
Aristotle turns to the. I find a pity!
Today's science is based on Aristotle.
Would be guided by our science Plato would certainly much more!
For all today's science is asked to head the Platonism!
Aristotle is "materialist"!
Plato's "idealist"! Plato says at first the idea is there! Aristotle says the reality is there first.
According to Plato, follows from the idea that reality follows from the reality, according to Aristotle the idea.
So am I, like Plato's "Idea List!
Again briefly to my thoughts.
I explained that there is only one and only eineinzige world that is spatially infinite (infinite) and time is limitless (eternal).
All space is limited and temporary spaces have been created by this spatial-temporal world and unbegrennzten will be established.
But not one of "God" but by nature, exitieren the same time without beginning and without end in time.
It is our Creator. No Gods. Why do I say that there are no gods?
Now I have my Creator. Every person who lived and will live and who lives now has its own creator.
Any animal that lived, now lives and will ever live has its own creator.
And now comes the crucial point!
I am the creature of my own!
I'm (at least I think I can prove nothing and that also did not want) such a being in this prehistoric world.
But since I can not be a god and do not want to, I'm just my own creator in this world.
So when I leave this world, then I'll have my thoughts from this world into the "primeval".
I can remember as long as I live in this world.
As the creature in the primeval world, I can take every living thing, what I want. My every shape.
I can appear at any time in any world than any being in any beliebeige bestimmmten place and out of there again.
So the possibilities are limitless here.
Even in the primitive world, I can travel to any location.
I have lots of ideas and plenty of imagination.
It sounds crazy sometimes.
But I stand firmly with both feet on the ground. I will lift up from none consistently.
I used to start small.
I give you an example.
I started with the number 1.
Then I have the one half and simultaneously doubling the 1. And so on.
infinity ........ 16 8 4 2 1 1 / 2 1 / 4 1 / 8 1/16........0
You can now double as much as you want.
Even the big number is still verdoppelbar.
You'll never reach infinity.
Now you can cut in half as much as you want.
Every small number is still halved.
You will never reach zero.
So a ball with center eineim, and I can not reach a surface that can not see. This is the primeval world.
But all the numbers between infinity and zero are actually existing worlds!
So much for my math that I use for finding purposes!
I hope I've explained it simply.
Also know that it is easy for you to understand something.
I'm reading Sophie's World. I like it well.
Children understand more than adults sometimes.
Unfortunately, I have around me only Christians.
Benno is a Catholic Sorb.
So I can at most occur as a Catholic against the evangelicals (ie cults).
If the theme is Sun
Otherwise, I prefer to read when I was writing to the forum.
Until then denne.
I would like to add:
I already put a small child my mother questions.
What is it earth?
She replied stones.
What is under the stones?
Until my mother did not know what.
Their last response was: Then comes the water!
And what comes after the water?
Only water!
I was so happy.
We lived on the Baltic. And I knew as a 3-year-old toddler, of course. that the water had no end!
So I ask today still: And what is it?
Once you then so far, is that there is no end and can be no beginning, you are happy!
With our knowledge we are just scratching the surface.
As the reality is we will never know.
You stand in the desert and take a grain of sand in the hand: Then you have everything in hand from the desert there. Do You!
But: There are oases of sources.
There is the Nile, which flows through the middle of the desert.
There is the sea, which borders on the desert.
The sea water is called a desert.
Nevertheless, it abounds in both deserts of life!
Since I can remember I ask questions.
Before, I had my mother, I could ask.
Later I had to answer all the questions themselves.
I read all the philosophers.
I dealt with 10 years of intensive Bible.
And now know that one question answered again raises many questions.
A question I get is still powerful concern as:
Where does evil come from?
How is the good?
Is really just a question.
How is the duality?
There are two worlds in one world?
A wicked world!
A good world?
The Church says yes!
Some are destined for hell: evil world!
The others are destined for heaven: Good world!
But, I simply will not and can not do it myself!
I search for 'reasonable' answers.
But only one simple answer is that which corresponds to the reality!
I look for it all my life!
They probably will not find!
Christians make it easy!
All answers are in the Bible!
If you read even if you have not done it yet!
I know a couple, who have studied theology and was an atheist!
One of the best known is Dr.Dr. Kahl.
Give the google just in one. You'll be surprised.
The man is a doctor of theology and doctor of philosophy.
If this is too much to you, what I type to you, say it quietly.
The prehistoric world
You could always arise an infinite number of worlds.
You could always pass an infinite number of worlds.
You will be constantly arise an infinite number of worlds.
You will be continually pass old worlds.
Creations without beginning, you end.
All creations were limited and will be limited in time and space.
Only the primitive world has been created or caused.
The primeval world is always (without beginning) and they will always exist (without end).
Boundless in space and time.
Creations of the prehistoric world without beginning and without end.
It will exist and will exist in the prehistoric world creations of the prehistoric world.
Without beginning and without end.
Infinitely many creators are involved in a world.
Infinitely many creators are involved in an infinite number of worlds.
Infinitely many creatures of the prehistoric world are involved in any creation.