Tagebuch 40;2009 englisch

Diary 40
On 04.12.2009 07:49 clock
The Quantum World
A quantum may be in a room and be back in a different room (by the glass or outside of the glass).
What does this mean?
It's easy when you consider that the world is multidimensional.
There are beings in a higher dimension that provide a quantum of an object next to this object, and we wonder how this can happen.
The solution is simple.
We are just too great to be able to recognize this other dimension. Therefore, we can of course also these tiny creatures, so the trick us do not realize.
There were probably times a church thinkers, who asked: How many (de 1000) angels can dance on the head of a pin? That is the point. We are just too great. Our view is too coarse. Not fine enough.
We will never see these creatures.
You are just one dimension (or 3-dimensions?) Higher.
This is the only possible explanation of the quantum world weird.
Would we be as small as a quantum, then we would see these dimensions.
One, it's definitely not that a photon is simultaneously in the glass and outside of the glass.
It's either the glass or it is outside of the glass. At the same time in the glass and outside of the glass would go only if the quantum would be divisible yet.
These creatures must be so small that they can quantum transport from one place to another. And the lightning-fast.
Particles are just particles and waves never.
I am only a particle and a wave.
Many particles can form a wave, but not a single particle.
Also need to participate in a fashion wave number.
Or radio waves, water waves, just waves.
Our vision is to see too coarse to fine-quantum and watch out for from our world.
These little creatures can be both: look out and see quantum. As they want.
The speed of light
At the speed of light is time stand still.
But the light was indeed the speed of light.
And when standing still at the speed of light time, then we need light no time to come forward.
So by now the light is where it begins to radiate equally well at the end of the universe.
But why do we need billions of years from the most distant galaxies to us?
Consequently, the speed of light passes at the same time as on Earth.
A light-year is also an earthly years.
Even if I move one years with the speed of light, which is only a year. No more and no less.
If that is the time to stop at light speed, then the astronauts would be dead
For no particles would move more. The spaceship along with his crew would dissolve into nothingness.
Let's say we fly at double the speed of light.
Because we are younger? Until the baby?
Then diving back to our parents? And so on.
One second remains one seconds, a light-second
One minute remains one minutes, a light minute.
And so on.
Years remain billion billion years.
Speed of light.
The cosmonaut no longer ages. His body remains at a certain age are.
His breath comes to a halt.
He collapses.
The spaceship collapses.
Everything disappears.
No matter (our universe!) Can exist timelessly.
Our matter can only exist in earthly time normally.
You can not go by slower and not faster.
Otherwise does not our matter.
So what is this nonsense with the stoppage time at the speed of light?
Neither at the speed of light gravity, even at higher frequencies the time change.
All clocks are the same