Tagebuch 39;2009 englisch

Diary 01
Weltalltheorie largest <infinity to infinity turning ----->
Relativity theory one big big leaps -------< infinity
Quantum theory of small 'zero --------= 1 small jumps
Gleittheorie smallest <<1 --------> zero fluent
The entire universe has gravity.
In the relativity theory of gravitation does + the weak force.
In the quantum theory of gravity affects the + +, the weak force, the electromagnetic force.
In effect, the gravitational Gleittheorie + weak force + the + electromagnetic force, the strong force.
It's all about. The universe turns out slowly inward faster. These are only times the super clusters of galaxies that make up the universe as we know. The super clusters of galaxies rotate slowly as the outside to the inside and faster. This rotation is subject to gravity.
This continues until the galaxy. Since the gravity still works. And to reach our solar system. Where indeed does the gravity. But, now where does the weak force? She looks at the size of one starting up in sizes close to infinity. There is also a far-reaching power, enough but not so much gravity. This is the area of relativity theory. Even here there is the principle of rotation. Slow inward and outward faster and faster.
The electromagnetic force is a force that is not very broad. This is in the field of quantum theory. Also here there is the principle of rotation. From the larger slow inward faster and faster.
The strong force acts on the slip theory. This is a theory of flow. From the outer turning to flow inside.
To quantum theory still exists the matter. To the photon.
In Gleittheorie there is no matter and no longer quantum.
If the universe expands outward at the fastest, then it must expand more slowly inward.
So much so that the expansion in the center of the universe comes to a halt!
One more thing.
If the universe expands outward at the fastest, because the outside must be very large distances. Once inside, the distances were always close.
In the center there should be no more distance.
So once again:
At the heart stopped and infinite density and outward ever faster expansion with increasing intervals.
Seems to me illogical.
For it is rather the opposite.
Interior rapid movement around the central body and the further out, the slower the speed.
Indoor short tracks and the more extended to the outside lanes.
This law applies from the smallest (the solar system) to the whole (the universe).