Tagebuch 37;2009 englisch

Diary 37
Alpha to Omega
Internet 1 0) a limited space
Text Counter
wf our universe) and limited time
Duality = Virtual Reality
Unit = Objective reality) of unlimited space and unlimited time
Different levels of management in the afterlife
The whole universe consists of many solar systems.
(First space manager (team + teams)
(Super clusters of galaxies second leader (team + teams)
Universe (galaxies third wire (+ club team)
(4th Galaxy Head (team + team)
(Solar System 5th conductor (team + team)
(Sixth earth conductor (team + team)
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Various stages in the Internet
(Internet 7 Head (team + teams)
Internet (forums eighth manager (team + teams)
(Pizmiara ninth manager (team + teams)
Each point in our entire universe of matter is the same age that is roughly 14 billion years.
So, the law of simultaneity!
The human body consists of matter, which is 14 billion years old!
Prove to me that only one particle is under the age of our universe (older it can not be anyway!).
If it were younger but then the steady state theory would be right. Would then arise that is more and more new particles. And the absurdity was already done.
If there has been no big bang! How can we determine the age of our universe?
Could it not have been so?:
Create a sun
Creation of planets that orbit around the sun (solar system)
Work of many solar systems (formation of a galaxy), this revolves around a central sun
Creation of many galaxies (formation of a galaxy cluster), this revolves around a central sun
Creation of many galaxy clusters (formation of a super cluster of galaxies) that orbits a central sun
Creation of many super clusters of galaxies (formation of the universe) that revolves around a central sun
The creation of our universe could have taken place. Without any big bang!
With the emergence of the Internet, there was no Big Bang!
There was the idea. Was implemented. And what came of it? And on and on results?
It develops (evolution?).
Until the development of one (or more) universe (with self-conscious beings) is coming!
As a holographic projection.
So we create only one sun
To 6 Create a universe (or more).
And if our system are then developed so far, they create
A sun
To 6 Create one (or more) of space, etc.
This is the future of the Internet.
Our future lies in the afterlife.
I can deploy my Atavar at any point in space at any point in time on the Internet.
But my Atavar can not get out of the internet and I can not clean the Internet. I still can not clean. Later yet. So later I'm on the Internet.
So I can emerge from the other world as self. I could meet here in my own self.
Then I would be in this world with my ego united in the afterlife.
Beyond the outside I)
I united the middle of this world) I. Here on Earth.
Interior Internet I)
Three-piece unit
I'm split three ways.
Beyond is dominant.
Internet is formative.
On earth there is a connection between both worlds.
There is no beginning and no end in space and time and in the afterlife.
On Earth, space and time and life is limited.
In the Internet space is boundless, limited time and limited life.
Where there is nothing on the internet, I just can not go.
Only one we can not live: Get out of our universe (as a human being!).