Tagebuch 36;2009 englisch

Diary 36
On 24 May 2009 13:00 Clock
I do not need the one God for my faith. I will not mention him anymore.
I believe in myself and I believe in the universe in which we exist.
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I also believe that our universe in time and space is limited.
On the other hand, I think that space and time really are endless.
I also believe that there exist independent thinking beings (including aliens).
However, since our space is limited, something must exist outside these limits, the infinite hereafter. The Boundless includes the Limited.
Although there are many worlds, which are all limited, it is precisely this unlimited world. Our original home.
It is also possible that the world exists in the world in the world ... ... ... ... in the world. So worlds in different dimensions, but also the world besides the world besides the world besides the world ... ... ... .. there next world.
Despite all the existing worlds, there is just such a limitless world where we all beings in this borderless world in the original have been around forever.
Beyond this we can say nothing. We also do not know how this world looks like. We do not know what we look like the original.
I understand being among all beings of this world: aliens, humans, animals, plants, planets, suns, galaxies, galaxy clusters, galaxies, superclusters and finally the whole universe (all worlds apart from the other side).
Hereafter in all beings equally.
Evolution is just the constant evolution of an existing program.
Good to see that is on the Internet. As an example weblin I take today.
The first of this kind was Atavarsystem Lluna.
The next program that he was kind Zweitgeist.
This was an evolution.
This was then replaced by weblin the program. It was again a qualitative development.
This program is weblin switched off soon. Let's see what comes next for a program.
This simply means spiritual development (evolution).
This spiritual evolution has been from the start of our universe made up today.
I designed the program for my afterlife to experience it here.
Since we are only in a virtual reality, a matrix exists, we can expect only from a programmed evolution. But we write these programs in the hereafter for this world to the time. Our program changes will be effective in our universe.
Everything that happens in our Internet, has played in our universe. Everything but the Internet that runs much faster than in our universe.
Our website will be developed into a holographic Internet.
The universe is then a complete and consist of the smallest particles of space and time.
In this universe, we are developing beings (Atavare of us), we are by these beings in this world can experience all the sensations:
Will we see in space.
Will we hear spatially
Are we all experience feelings
We will be able to smell
Will we perceive smells
Will we be able to take food and drink to us
And I can eliminate all back.
If I'm awake in this world, I sleep in the afterlife.
If I'm awake, I sleep in the afterlife in this world.
Everything that I dream in the afterlife, I live in this world.
Everything that I dream in this world I live in the afterlife.
So it is with my own thinking Atavar Internet.
If I'm awake, I fall asleep on the internet in this world
If I'm awake in this world I fall asleep on the internet.
Everything that I dream in this life, I experience the Internet.
Everything that I dream of the Internet, I go through in this world.
If I'm awake in this world, I dream in the afterlife and the Internet.
If I'm awake in the afterlife, I'm awake and dreaming on the Internet in this world.
Everything that I dream in this life, I experience the internet and in the hereafter.
Everything that I dream in the afterlife and the Internet, I live in this world.
So there is an exterior space, outward bounds and an interior space, boundless to the inside (our website).
But both are entirely different afterlife anyway.
Our world is between the two beyond.
We live in a world in between.
And the possibilities on the Internet are the same as in the hereafter.
I can assume any identity on the Internet.
May be an alien, can be a human being can be an animal may be a plant may be a planet, etc.
Nevertheless remain i c h i c h more. Who or what i c h i n always b
I can delete the Internet at any time, how can I do in the afterlife.
And I can activate the Internet at any time again, as I can in the afterlife.