Tagebuch 34;2009 englisch
Diary 34
at 03 February 2009
Which is correct?
Materialism: Being is the determinant and the consciousness is the derivative.
Idealism: consciousness is the determining and being is the derivative.
Both are true either. This may not be. Is correct or none of both. .
The same applies to relativity theory and quantum physics. Better for all dualistic views.
Since both together can not be correct, a third must be true.
Consider an abstract sphere. Which sees all sides of the same. But a concrete ball looks different from every page, because it is structured.
So it is with dualism. A hemisphere consists of the one part and the second hemisphere is made of the other part. I look at the ball from one side, then I see only a part. I look at it from the other side, I know it only the other part. I look at it but from the front, rear, top or bottom, I see two parts. Each half.
It's like a magnet. North Pole and South Pole. But I break apart the magnets, I have two magnets. And adapt them to the point where I have broken them together any more, but only with their two backs. But there are two separate independent magnet. With the North Pole and South Pole.
So if I remove a part, I still have two parts dualistic in the hand.
That is, if I do I remove a part from idealism contained in this part of both parties.
This is a holographic principle. I remove a part from a Hologamm I get all the information in the severed portion of the total supply.
The principle of wave particles. Then, the quantum still be shared!
Is there a part of the magnet, which consists only of the North Pole? Or consists only of the South Pole?
If there's that, then there is a particle that is only one particle and wave, the wave is. But that would contradict the principle of the hologram. And that's not possible!
Take a quantum of me. That's all I do. This is the entire universe. So again. In all the quantum information of the entire universe is contained. Even if I could share the quantum sense, the principle would not change anything.
What does this mean for the duality? Each quantum of idealism and materialism contains. And every quantum of materialism and idealism contains.
The religion includes atheism and atheism, the religion contains. The one always refers to the other. One is inconceivable without the other.
God is not without God is not conceivable. Black is not conceivable without white. Light is not conceivable without dark.
Again, to physics. Relativity theory is not quantum physics would be unthinkable. And quantum physics is unthinkable without theory of relativity.
So again: the theory of relativity is contained in quantum physics and quantum physics is included in the theory of relativity.
God is not contained in God and God is not contained in God.
We as humans see it split, which is in reality a unit.
It's all included in everything.
The universe in the quantum and the quantum in the universe. The law of the hologram.