Tagebuch 29;2008 englisch

Diary 29
On 07.06.2008
21:20 Clock
The Old World goes to infinity.
The New World (our universe) tends to zero.
The New World is part of the Old World.
The Old World is unlimited in size.
The New World is limitless small.
The Old World has internal limits to the New World.
The New World has outer limits of the Old World.
We're in a tiny space that is contained in a huge great room.
The New World is a virtual world.
The Old World is an objective world.
The New World is a product of the Old World.
The new world has a beginning and an end.
The old world has no beginning and no end.
Why the New World was created by the Old World?
Is the New World only one game of the Old World? Kind of a game room? Or school?
How many rooms does the New World?
The New World is the Matrix. An illusory world.
All living things in the New World are also creatures of the Old World.
But there are beings in the Old World, their number goes to infinity.
The number of creatures that existed in the New World and will be approaching zero.
We and all living beings in our universe
(Dead matter, plants, animals, people, etc.)
Are only distorted images of the creatures we really are in the Old World.
Or we are just products of pure fantasy creatures from the Old World?
Imaginative products that can be anytime? Virtual beings?
The only used for entertainment. They use us for their game!
Every living being is controlled by a being from the Old World!
This being from the Old World is that I. The essence dominates me. I am not I, but I am.
As my Atavar is controlled by me in my computer. Although he also capable of self-stereotyped movements. But I can tell my Atavar activities! Same idea with us!
It is my soul?
My soul is a being from the Old World?
This controls my soul with a joystick or whatever that may be. It controls my entire motion sequence. My waking and sleeping patterns. It controls my dreams. It leaves me now touch. It gives me ideas. It gives me imagination. I just follow his instructions.
You are I, the essence of the Old World.
I am the essence of you in the New World
I am my Atavar. Atavar my ego.
There is the Old World. Outside.
There's a New World inside.
There's the boy in the computer world.
In the Old World is my essence.
I am in the New World.
In my world of boys Atavar is the Internet.
So there are already three worlds:
1st Old world outside (real world)
2nd New World Centre (our universe)
3rd Young inner world (the Internet)
The old world is moving to the New World.
The new world controls the world, boy.
Young leads the world back to the Old World?
We get via the Internet connection with the Old World? It's possible!
I get in touch with my being on the Internet!
My Atavar get in touch with me!
Gets inside with outside.
If my Atavar speaks to me is the connection. Then my character speaks to me.
We will see and hear. All the senses are fully addressed. We'll see.
Atavar in view mode with my body size in front of me. As a real hologram. As real as I am. With flesh and blood. Only just younger than me. As young as it is my old man in the world.
02:32 Clock
It is outside our universe.
I am here in the universe.
It on the Internet.
It bounds to the outside.
I am limited to the outside and inside.
It bounds to the inside.
Limitless and boundless objective reality outside to inside.
Our universe is only a small part of outward and inward limited.
And I am within this universe, only a small part limited in time and space.
Space without beginning and without end. Boundless infinity.
Time without beginning and without end.
Boundless eternity.
Space with a beginning and an end.
Limited finite.
Time with a beginning and an end.
Limited temporality.
The Unlimited is the whole.
The Limited is part of the whole.