Tagebuch 26;2008 englisch

Diary 29
On 05/02/2008
If I make a journey through time, how is this going on?
Can I leave the earth and emerge in either the future or the past on the earth again?
That will not ease.
When I fly into the past, for example, then the earth in the past, yes?
But then the sun is also in the past!
Then the planet in the past.
Even worse:
The entire universe must join my journey through time!
If the universe should turn back in time by 2,000 years, then I disappear in 60 years.
I'm not there anymore.
If it should turn the universe around 2,000 years forward, then I disappear in 40 years. I'm not there anymore!
I can not get out of my time. Neither forward nor backwards into the future in the past.
Travel with 60 years in the year 4008, or in the year 8 is probably hardly possible. Just because the travel time would have to go along with the entire universe!
So, if from the past (for example 6008 BCE) and from the future (for example, 10 008 after the Christian era) time traveler in the presence
2008 should show up, then yes that would have in the past and have time machines exist in the future would have time machines.
Only in the present we have no time machines.
For the future, the universe and transformed down from the past, the universe is transformed up.
Otherwise, anything goes!
If you want the increase to the extreme, then the following applies:
From Big Bang to collapse (as of Whatever) is the future.
From collapse to the Big Bang goes the past.
Now that looks as if I do not believe in the possibility of time travel.
However, I believe.
I do believe that thinking beings were there before the Big Bang, and these beings will be still there even after the collapse.
These beings, it's easy at a certain point in space in the universe, a journey to undertake.
Also, they are able to do at some point one space travel in our universe.
As for what a creature whatsoever. These beings can transform themselves into every creature. Even as people! With a specific CV. Relatives and friends.
But we are living people do not time travel.
Also, do these creatures do not have time travel machine and no spaceships. They appear, disappear and are there again.