Tagebuch 25;2008 englisch

Diary 25
on 30.01.2008
The past is no longer there. (-t)
Is the present does not exist. (t = 0)
The future is not there yet. (+ t)
What is it about?
There is no time. Time is an illusion. Hence, no dimension.
Follows from a certain past a certain future.
The past can only be documented. Example: The Jesus Video by Andreas Eschbach.
Of the future known only probabilities. Although the future is determined, we can not decide! I do not mean just the future of humanity, not the future of the earth, not the future of our solar system but the future of our universe.
There are three final options:
1st The universe is expanding and at the end of it I moved back together (once or pulsating so many times).
2nd The universe expands at first quickly and then slower and slower until it almost comes to a halt (only almost) and then slowly than adult universe dies
3rd The universe is expanding ever further out to infinity and dies a cold death.
When mankind is simple:
There were people first and there will be last man. Before that there were no observers on the ground and then there will be no more an observer on Earth.
So what was in front of the wave-particle duality?
What is then the wave-particle duality?
Where before the math (physics) was?
After that, where the math (physics) will be?
Work before and after the same laws?
The law of the uncertainty principle?
The law of the incompleteness of systems (undecidability)?
Are these not only all human limits?