Friday, 02.11.2007
recognize Inside details and
gain an overview to the outside.
Inside smallest particles.
Outwardly the whole universe.
The sequence (the
consequences, the recordings) recognize the whole.
The particle physicists
studied a picture (an image) and the philosopher examines the whole process
(the film from beginning to end scheduled).
The film paints a virtual
reality objectively real!
The objective reality has
neither the time nor the space limits (limitless).
The objective reality is out
of virtual reality. But: The virtual reality is part of objective reality.
Once again:
Virtual reality is in a
confined space for a limited time in the objectively real space.
Being from the objectively
real world than what nature always immersed in a position in the virtual
reality and emerge there. When and where they always want.
And they can disappear from
the virtual reality also any time.
But the essence of virtual
reality can not leave the boundaries of virtual reality.
We as virtual beings are
indistinguishable objectively real essence of us able. But objectively real
beings can very well distinguish between virtual reality objectively.
Only individuals who give
themselves to recognize these beings know about one or more objectively real
Once again:
Essence of virtual reality
must be at a certain time at a certain place. Essence of objective reality can
emerge at any time at any place as any beings and disappear.
So at least an objectively
real being is constantly under the humanity!
Only, who is that? And where
is it?
It is not God, it was not
Jesus, was not Buddha.
Only Mohamed knew what these
beings. He called it Gabriel.
Sunday, 04/11/2007
The objectively real beings
as man among men with non-human abilities. Better with all the human skills and
human skills. That is to objectively real skill.
Monday, 05.11.2007
I learned in a dream a
physicist know. We talked. He has developed computer simulations of the Big
Bang. Unfortunately, I do not know his name. I should stay at his dacha,
because I did not know where.
Then I woke up. Too bad.
I was still in his
university. Have probably still parts of the simulation experience. She was
holographically. It was the middle of it.
If our program cleared with
death? Or from the death of our objectively real life? Nobody knows!
Here we are just virtual
We can believe it, or do not
In the end, everything we
believe or not believe objective reality.
There is a difference between
a program running and a film which is recorded!
In the program, we are not
In the film, we are free!
I'm free within limits. I am
a prisoner of the Matrix.