Tagebuch 21;2000 englisch

Diary 21
1st age
10 billion years
10 to 10 years
365 x 10 ^ 10
3.65 x10 up 12 days
24x3, 65x10 high 12
8.76 x 10 to 13 hours
60x8, 76x10 high 13
5.25 x10 high 15 minutes
60x5, 25x10 high 15
3.15 x10 high 17 seconds
2nd pictures
3.15 x10 high 17 seconds hoch10 high 44 images / second
3.15 x10 high power of 10 748 images in 10 years
3rd speed of light
300,000 km / second
3x10 high 5 Km / s light-second
60x3x10 high 5
1.8 x10 high 7 Km / minute light-minute
60x1, 8x10 high 7
1.08 x10 ^ 9 Km / h light-hour
24x1, 08x10 ^ 9
2.6 x10 high 10 Km / d light day
365x2, 6x10 high 10
9.5 x 10 power of 12 Km / a light year
4th volume
Universe volume = 4 / 3 Pi x r Hoch3
r = 10 to 10 years high 10 high 13 km / year
r = 10 to 130 km
V = 4/3x Pi x 10 130 x 10 x 10 high 130 130
V around 10 to 390 cubic kilometers 4x
5th pixels
10 to 38 units (pixels) per meter
10 to 38 x 10 38 x 10 to 38 pixels / cubic meter
10 to 114 pixels / cubic meter
10 to 117 pixels / cubic km
10 high high high 10 117 390
10 to 45 630 pixels per image
45 630 3.15 10 high high high 748 x 10
3.15 x 10 to 34.13124 million pixels in 10 high 10 years
6th mass
2.18 x 10 ^ 8 cubic meters / kilogram
2.18 x10 power of 5 cubic kilometers / kg
4 x 10 high 10 high 390/2x 5
2x 10 ^ 385 kg
2x 10 382 tonnes of high