Tagebuch 175 englisch 2017

The core +
On May 20, 2014
"A conclusion (syllogismos) is a proposition in which, if certain things are accepted as given, something else follows with necessity." (Analytica priora 24 b)
Ockham's razor, says: Explain the world with as few assumptions as possible.
If the atomic nucleus has 99.9% of the mass and the electrons have 0.1% of the mass,
Although the atomic nucleus is 20,000 to 150,000 times smaller than the atomic shell, it contains more than 99.9 percent of the mass of the entire atom.
As well as the sun has 99.9% of the mass and the planets have 0.1% of the mass.
The sun is the dominant heavenly body in our planetary system, to whose total mass it contributes with a share of 99.9%.
Then the central body of the galaxy must contain 99.9% of the mass and the solar system shells 0.1%
Of the mass.
99.9% atomic core + 0.1% electron shells
99.9% solar core + 0.1% planetary shells
99.9% galaxy core + 0.1% solar system shells
99.9% galaxy heapers + 0.1% galaxy shells
99.9% galaxy superhighs + 0.1% galaxy clusters
99.9% universe core + 0.1% galaxy super heap shells
So wherever there is something a kernel and around it are shell (s)
Core + bowls round 1000 + 1
The atom consists of smaller atoms and these smaller atoms consist of even smaller atoms, etc.
The worlds are parts of a larger world and these larger worlds are again parts of an even bigger world, etc.
One finds no beginning in the small and no end in the large.
The core must be able to bind its furthest shell firmly.
If this did not succeed, all systems would be unstable.
1. Since the core of the galaxy has 99.9% of the mass of the galaxy, the dark matter falls away.
2. Therefore, there are no black holes in the centers of galaxies.
3. Since the universe does not expand, the dark energy drops away.
4. Since there is no expansion, there was also no big bang.
Three natural laws
Core + shell principle
1000 + 1
The larger the system, the greater the inertia.
The smaller a system, the smaller the inertia.
The larger the system, the lower the nuclear power and the greater the range.
The smaller a system, the greater the core force and the lower the range.