On October 16, 2017
Why should an atom expand?
Why should a solar system expand?
Why should a galaxy expand?
Why should a galaxy cluster expand?
Why should a galaxy cluster be expanded?
And last:
Why should the universe expand?
Expansion at any cost?
As everything rotates from the smallest to the greatest, expansion is impossible.
But if there is no expansion, then a Big Bang is just as impossible.
The age of our universe is unknown.
But the creation of our universe is also unknown.
Was the universe created? If yes by whom?
I do not believe in many gods or a single God.
So, who could have created our universe?
I believe that our universe has been created from the Absolute World.
This Absolute World is uncreated, boundless in space (infinity) and boundless in time (Eternal).
In this Absolute World exist Absolute beings, uncreated, ageless (eternally alive).
These beings created different worlds for variety. With different creatures. For a limited time.
So they created worlds, which they eventually switched off again.
Switch on and off the worlds.
Our world is one of them. Our world is a relative world. It is a part of the Absolute World. It is not outside and independent of the Absolute World.
But within and depending on the Absolute World.
The Absolute World determines about:
Content, duration, and properties of the relative worlds.
Once again:
There is no expansion in any relative world. The space is determined and the time is determined in every relative world.