How does the absolute world work?
On 21 November 2016
In the absolute world, time is absolutely limitless (eternal).
In the absolute world, the space is absolutely boundless (infinity).
In the absolute world the creatures are absolutely unborn and never die. They will not get sick. They are eternally young. What these beings are for living beings knows no one in the relative world.
The relative world is a product of the absolute living beings in the absolute world. The relative world is therefore part of the absolute world.
The absolute life is a relative, mortal, living creature in the relative world. As aliens, humans, animals and plants. The atoms are also living beings. The earth is a living being. The solar system is a living being. The galaxy is a living being. The relative universe is a living being.
All these creatures are from the absolute world.
From this absolute world we are born in the past and will return to this absolute world again in the future. Many have already returned.
The entire relative world will return to the absolute world.