diary 16
April 1996
On 09.04.1996
We need to
advance and strengthen the science in any case. This science and the deepening
and expansion is controlled by the philosophy of outdoor!
By means of the philosophy that comes from outside in our universe, we are able
to deepen the natural sciences and to enhance (increase).
We need a strong science and rely on the philosophy that is our only help, we
can use!
Aggression (harmful to scathing) Energy must be dismantled, better converted into
usable (received) energy. This is done, in which you the basis (food) of their
aggression is withdrawn. For this purpose, however, is only science capable of
resolving contradictions such people as fundamentalists and extremists and
racists of all kinds to isolate and disarm.
We need the energy of the reactor safe and should serve as a strong mechanism
of our team! This is and remains our fundamental task as humanity!
The mental energy of humanity is the mirror of their usefulness (harmlessness).
How do people towards themselves and their environment behave, whether they
bring harm or benefit, which is the decisive question!
Environmental protection and environmental improvement go to all people.
External influence on the police and the police to the inside on all
aggressions (pests of all kinds, and shading)! We need to recognize the signals
from outside and pass inwards! Damage from outside, by misinterpretations
(translation error) of our site (the science) arise!
Aggressiveness can be treated only in necessary cases with aggressiveness.
Where applicable, the basis of all aggression peacefully and amicably should be
But you can only if you perform a basic study of aggression itself, analyzed
and then developed a political-theoretical solution proposed for destruction
(elimination) of these principles and these are then reacted. The error should
be as small as possible be maintained!
On 09.04.1996
Solar eclipse
on 11.08.1999
On 13.04.1996
This inner truth from untruth trapped and surrounded by the truth of the
statement must be found! The gist of the statement is the truth. The statement
itself is the shell (of protection) inside the truth!
No human being can recognize and explain the core of truth for sure! He is not
writable. But it exists! This core is the same in every statement!
The truth!
We will not come out of nowhere and there is no repetition of one and the same
thing (being) but there is a constant change and constant higher development to
a certain maturity point.
Every science (policy) has as a central task the knowledge of nature to the
smallest (particle physicists) and the largest (astro-physicist) over the
smallest of life (micro-biology) and complex life (macro-biology) but also the
research on the structure of matter, chemistry with the help of logic
(mathematics) to perform!
but way, she meets irrationality in the matter and believes in the
transcendence of space + time!
Logic = basis for training and to think. But what is provable by logic, is
refutable with logic. Logic is therefore only suitable for the purpose of
training! That is, the logic contradicts itself! So you have to develop and
Imagination = On logic constructive enlargement and in logic penetrating recess
with descriptions of the irrational in logic and references to transcendent
beyond logic!
On 15.04.1996
Everything leads into space + time on one point!
Each individual seeks and finds his own right track!
Not anarchy or regulations are based, to achieve the goal, but exploration and
consolidation of individual knowledge to a point that leads from chaos to
Imagination alone is unproductive! Logic alone is barren! The fantasy is to
fertilize (active) in the situation, the logic (passive)! This resulted in a
development (from the Big Bang) in the past with a trend (the collapse) in the
On 04/21/1996
At the beginning of our universe, the universe thus a point 0 had come from
somewhere. From this point, in which everything was programmed, our present,
our known and unknown universe therefore developed. Neither in detail to
recognize even an overview can be reached.
Calculations of any kind will always be approximations ,, but never be able to
explain the last! These computations are necessary but not sufficient.
Recognition based on dogmas w (true) or f (false).
Knowledge comes from filtering the evidence through the elimination of the
error and justification (evidence) of the truth!
In general:
Language is the abstract development (implementation) of thought (the thought).
Thoughts are a prerequisite for conscious living.
Awareness is the definition of man (apparently) of animals and plants. Animals
and plants says the man from consciousness. Why?
Just because animals and plants have no logical abstract articulate speech?
That is the truth? Or is the opposite the case? If the plant the most advanced
The animal is under the plant? Man stands among the animals?
The wisest man is the dumbest creature?
In general:
====> The detail may harm the whole!
whole can use the detail (detail)!
Once again:
The individual can harm the whole (whole)!
The whole (the whole) can benefit the individual!
Dangerous knowledge can hurt!
Dangerous knowledge should remain hidden.
It is only as metered use that this knowledge of the highest benefits can be
Harmless knowledge that can bring benefits, should be published and be applied
in any case sufficiently.
In each case of application, the dosage should be appreciated!
At the right time, the right place, at the right partners, the right dose: this
is the correct (true) principle!
Only open at the point where you expect good. Here one may be careless in any
case and retain in any case so much security that you at any time before an imminent
danger (an attack) can be immediately re-close.
The friend should be involved in its interior and provide protection against
common enemies! But the friend is at any time have the opportunity to leave our
Man should not hurt himself and also harm any other creature. The man should
use himself and use any other beings!
Tolerance and patience towards himself and all others against!
Man can inflict damage individuals and it can inflict damage to the whole.
Man can bring benefits to the individual and he can bring the whole benefit!
At certain moments in certain places can the person when it is necessary to
revise. He should do the same if he can avert damage by itself or others or the
whole. Even if this does not benefit.
Everyone should exercise a certain necessary self-control (self-discipline)!
If length, width and height are the same size from the room and past and future
are the same size at the time, then both are mature and meet in the middle to
unite! From the union then arises again Alpha and Omega, an adult room and an
adult time!
We have in a democracy at least freedom of speech and freedom of writing.
There is no universal formula, which is very complicated. Not to the last
detail and not to the entire index (context), but adequate for every being. It
must still possibilities remain open, otherwise it would be too boring.
But what is necessary to recognize any self!
Logic is limited but imagination is unlimited!
Thinking, mind and feeling are the foundation of all philosophies!
The logic alone is the foundation of all science!
It is in the room in all dimensions and in time in all dimensions.
In space and time, the natural laws of science, the knowledge of phrases
philosophy apply.
No individual is adjacent the one other!
Space and time is an illusory world in which there are laws that allow
creations within limits!
In vacuum and present the results of this creation is evaluated and
incorporated into the fantasy program. In vacuum and present reigns liberty.
Imagination knows no boundaries! She has no laws! There are all possibilities,
and no one needs!
These beings control space and time and their development!
No one will ever understand!
One must study the laws to recognize their futility! Lawlessness in space and time
is just as useless!
I think within the laws of space and time, as it is necessary. I think outside
the laws of space and time, as it is possible.
But space + time is limited. Limits are the only (the only) law (s) that apply
absolutely in space + time!
As long as we are moving within space + time (life) is limited our thinking
(limited)! Only in a dream, trance or other states of consciousness, we leave
space + time and go into the realm of fantasy, a so
The imagination is the ultimate learning and development phase, we, therefore,
have to go through in life within space + time.
Here laws are invented and imported into space + time. In space + time the laws
are "found" or "researched" and viewed as a natural given.
Of the essence in space + time, these laws are considered immutable and eternal
This imaginary world in space + time is referred to as "Objective
reality"! While we can change the matter into space + time, but only
within the existing laws of nature!
Legislators: Vacuum
Law Recipient: Space + Time
The room is actually two-dimensional, since its height tends to zero! (Vacuum).
The time is actually two-dimensional.
So our room actually four dimensions!
: Length x Width
Time: Future x Past
The man is in his "fake world" "objective reality" between
space + time and is itself made of this "fake world" "objective
reality" space + time!
We have ourselves achieved (ge-) and testifies must complete our semblance of
life "successfully"! If we return to eternity, we will have already
earned a learning phase.
This is to recognize and realize their own laws! to recognize His own laws, is
to recognize themselves. That's the fewest people possible! If I know my heart,
my essence, my being, then I understand my appearance, my human, my ticket!
I understand where I came from and I understand where I'm going! If I know my
nature, I realize my unborn-Being and my Died-being as identical! If I
identically understand my being human beings bill, I recognize start-base and
target purpose of my human-being and essence bill on this earth and in this
time in connection with all other living things (sham existences) in this
universe in my earthly time!
My inner being is and remains and was being! My outside product out of the
I appear as a product person, but who or what I am as eternal beings?
Each Eternal being has the freedom to show itself as a finite being, with its
own laws, in its own borders, or not to do that! The nature, will remain in
eternity, does not have to appear in the finite! Eternal beings are free in
their ways and finite beings are free to their needs!
Two beings are briefly united in one small place! Both beings love each other,
they learn from each other, understand each other and then they have to be separated,
and will play two! Whether they ever unite again, I do not know!
The vacuum is the realm of fantasy!
I think I come to my main part of the realm of logic and would like to address
my earthly death with my other part in the realm of fantasy, their home! So I
return to my ancestral homeland back!
I live in a trial marriage of space and time as 1 creature from the vacuum and
I would like to e than two creatures the vacuum as a man united forever with my
wife as a two (at least) body.
Imagination and thus the art, that the woman be totally suppressed, neglected
and mistreated!
In vacuum, the women call the shots. Imagination and thus the art to rule the
world. Logic and thus the money play no role at all.
My goal is to enter into the vacuum.
Imagination has unlimited possibilities in a vacuum!
The women's imagination are the most glorious, highest and most desirable,
which dominate the women from the vacuum.
However, there are some men out of the vacuum, the same women from the vacuum
dominate this fantasy. But these are really very few!
However, there are very few women who just mastered only the logic and show no
imagination developments!
In the living man is a mixture of everything that summed are near the point
zero, ie where a development standstill would be recorded, if not the men and
women would predominate from the vacuum. This is a constant forward development
only possible!
At the end of my earthly journey as a man I want to know the vacuum!
Maybe I want to but no longer, because it much better like that in a vacuum?
The simple finite logic can be converted into extended infinite imagination,
then look for the point 0 together with the man's wife! If point 0 will open,
which will be possible in no case by force from the outside, but he must
voluntarily open from inside.
Landing them on the earth, or they start from the earth?
Spaceships are sprung female fantasy, but as space stations! If the zero logic,
a fantasy or a product of logic and imagination?
Or is it just a makeshift, an illusion?
The doubling of the earth, how is that possible and when should it be
necessary, and what is the result?
Or doubling of the universe?
The purpose would be seen only in the growth and purpose in the birth of a new.