We've forgotten
On 15 October 2016
We were on the surface. Dived into the cave. Have completely forgotten the surface.
We had the knowledge and did not have it anymore. We try hard to find the knowledge. Nevertheless, we are staying in the dark in the cave. We know only the shadows of reality. We can not recognize reality itself. Our knowledge remains schematic. Maybe somebody comes down from the surface again. Then we would get the truth. Only he would land in the slap mill. For nobody would understand what he has to say.
He would never leave the slap-mill again. Quenched with neuroleptics.
Now I know all this. Was there long enough in there. And whoever understands it also lands in the slap-mill!
Do not believe that there are the dumbest in there. But uninteresting, somebody recognizes the truth. If not here in the cave. I'm looking forward to it.