Tagebuch 15;1996 englisch

diary 15
The 1 is open inwards and outwards! But who is the 1?
I'm waiting for a star in our solar system! A sign for a program!
Poverty is rich in reserves and wealth is low in reserves!
Here codes were issued! Then, when the puzzle is back together, then the time
for the call has come!
The number 1 is identical to the Navigator.
The night sky is a screen.
We expect the picture and sound from the night sky! Why, How and Where first?
A mini transmitter for billions of receivers!
The proletarians are to intelligentsia! Or they die out!
Some see the actor and no one knows his role!
So from polytheism over monotheism to religion without God!
Life is a dream between unborn His resurrection and in eternity!