Sender and receiver
On June 15, 2016
A DNS requires a transmitter which is directed to a specific recipient.
Now every single person has included a specially addressed to him information in the DNS. That makes his individual.
No God is to send in a position for every person, every animal and plant specific information on each individual.
An individual transmitter which is directed to each individual receiver.
I receive information from my special transmitter. My transmitter controls me.
A special program has been written for me in my DNS. This program I have to work through. Including the principle of my generation is up to my particular deceases in the world. So it's all prescribed. Nothing is left to chance.
And every requisite work instruction is stored in the DNA of our cells, and in the highest ever known storage density: So you could in the volume of a pinhead, consisting only of DNA material, save a pile of paperbacks, which would be 500 times greater than the distance from the earth to the moon.
And this amount of information is specifically set up for each individual!
Therefore, I believe in no God but to a specific creator for each individual. And these creators we are ourselves. From the other side.
Each plant has its creator.
Each animal has its creator and each person has his Creator.
Sender and receiver!
I'm the transmitter from the beyond and I am the receiver in this world. This world is enclosed from the beyond.