On May 11, 2016
Matter - antimatter
Nuclear positive electron negatively
Core negative electron positive
Core + Shell - principle applies in the matter, as in the antimatter.
If the anti-nucleus 99.9% of the mass and the anti-electrons have 0.1% of the mass,
And the anti-Earth has 99.9% of the mass and the Anti moon has 0.1% of the mass,
As the anti-sun 99.9% of the mass and the Anti planets have 0.1% of the mass.
But anti-solar system heap have an anti Central Sun with a mass of 99.9% and the anti-solar system shells have a mass of 0.1%,
then the central body of the anti-galaxy has 99.9% of the mass and the anti-solar system heap 0.1%
have mass.
99.9% anti nucleus + 0.1% anti-electron shells
99.9% anti planetary core + 0.1% anti moon shells (rings)
99.9% anti-sun core + 0.1% Anti planet bowls
99.9% anti-solar system heap core + 0.1% Anti solar system shells
99.9% anti galactic nucleus + 0.1% Anti solar system heap shells
99.9% anti galaxies core + 0.1% Anti galaxies shells
99.9% anti galaxies supercluster core + 0.1% Anti galaxy clusters shells
99.9% + 0.1% Antiweltallkern Anti galaxy superclusters shells
90% to 99.9% anti-core
10% to 0.1% anti-shells
The truth is always in the middle, so:
95% anti-nuclear and 5% Anti-shells
Everything boils from the least to the greatest.
Faith of Sufis.
So wherever rotates something is anti core and around it are anti shell (s)
In general:
Anti Nuclear + Anti shells as 99.9% + 0.1%
1000 + 1
From the smallest particle to the largest part of the same mathematical laws apply!
These universal mathematical laws have to be found yet.
Just as an anti child is an anti human and anti Greis is an anti human.
What has in common any anti human?
An anti-DNA !!!
The anti-DNA is the mathematical formula of the anti-human.
So we need a formula that applies from the smallest to the largest.
There is no smallest particles:
The anti-nuclear, anti nuclear anti atom of anti-atom, etc.
From our well-known anti-nuclear from it is getting smaller.
There is no Largest section:
The Antiweltall that Antiweltall of Antiweltalls of Antiweltalls etc.
From our famous Antiweltall from it is growing.
Again simple:
The anti-atom consists of anti-atoms and Antiweltall comes from a higher anti-world.
The anti-nuclear is 1000 times stronger than the anti-shells.
The Ancients must be able to bind tightly its farthest anti shell.
Would not succeed were all anti systems unstable.
The anti-nuclear is the stability factor for all existing Anti systems. From smallest to the largest.
Without anti cores Nothing works in Antiweltall.
1. Since the anti nuclear anti galaxy has 99.9% of the mass of anti galaxy, so the Dark antimatter falls away.
2. Therefore, there is no anti-black holes in the centers of anti galaxies.
3. Since the Antiweltall not expanded, falls the Anti dark energy away.
4. Because there is no anti-expansion, there was no anti-big bang.
5. Since all about the least to the greatest, falls off the Anti Dark River.
6.Da the antiworld age at any point of Antiweltalls equal so there is an absolute anti-time. The Anti Time can neither compress nor stretch nor bend. If I am a 67, then that is my absolute age.
Antizeitdillatation is utter nonsense.
7. Since the anti space is always the same, even the anti-room is absolutely. The anti space can neither compress nor stretch nor bend.
8.The anti relativity becomes invalid.
9. The Anti quantum physics no longer true.
10. The Anti string theory loses itself in the anti-logic.
11. The anti-M-theory is antiillusorisch.
12. Therefore antinewton rehabilitated.
Number of anti-atoms
To drive the size of Avogadro's number NA, we will briefly give some consideration to the number of atoms in some objects here.
· Let's start with the human body. This consists mostly of water, H2O. A water molecule thus consists of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen and therefore the mass number
2 · M (H) = 2 · 1.0079
M (O) = 15,999
M (H2O) = 18,015
· This means that 18 grams of water NA = 6.022 · 1023 H2O molecules, ie 3 · 6,022 · 1023 = contained 1.8 x 1024 atoms.
· If a person has a mass of 70 kg, then this means that the body of this person about
· N = (70 kg / 0.018 kg) x 1.8 x 1024
· = - 7 · 10^27
· Atoms.
· How many atoms of our earth? The soil consists mostly of iron, so has a Massenahl of about 56. The mass of the earth is 6.0 x 1024 kg. So we get the result that approximately
N = (6.0 x 1024 kg / 0.056 kg) · 6.022 · 1023 = -6 · 1049
stuck atoms in our earth.
· The sun has a mass 2.0 × 1030 kg, mostly in the form of hydrogen. This results in a number of
N = (2.0 × 1030 kg / 0.001 kg) · 6.022 · 1023 = 6 × 10^49 = -10^57
· Our Milky Way has about a mass of 100 billion suns or 2.7 × 10^41 kg. This brings us to about
· -10^68 Atoms.
Finally, many billions of galaxies in the universe are known to us. This tells us that the number of atoms in the universe as the order is -10^78.