Tagebuch 139;2016 englisch

On May 02, 2016
I believe in the creation of our universe. As the like have always looked.
I believe in the end of this creation.
As the likes Whatever.
Creation beginning and end of creation.
Who or what are the creators?
Where are the creators at home?
What is this creation?
What should I as a creature in this creation?
What are all creatures in this creation as human beings, animals and plants?
Human animals and plants are composed of the same atoms!
The dead soil composed of the same atoms.
The entire universe is made up of the same atoms.
There are probably 218 different atoms. Perhaps there are even more. The exact number is virtually unknown.
Let's assume there are 1000 atoms. That is 10 ^ 3
If there are 10 ^ 78 atoms in the universe, would then have the same available amount of each type of atom 10 ^ 26 atoms exist.
The Does the ratio is 3: 1.
Thus, 3 is the total number of atoms of a living being and 1 of each type of atom in the living beings.
These are round numbers. How they really look like me is completely inexplicable.
Is actually not interesting.
Numbers always only confuse.
A certain amount is the whole and the parts are simply composed of the the whole. That which exists as a living being and that what these creatures exist just made of atoms. More is nothing more to say. Numbers only confuse.
Initially therefore, the atomic principle was created. On this basis, spaces have been created. What our world is flat.
Imagine the creation of the Internet. Only by knowing the current one konte just turn the power on, off. Turning Wirde designated 1 and off. 0
On this basis, one could all the numbers from 0 are infinitely encode. On this knowledge first computers were Evolving
and it then emerged computer.
With Help the computer we can develop virtual creatures again. Now suppose, this creature develop awareness. From this they develop their own languages. They begin to connect with other creatures of the computer. The result is a particular people with a particular language. You develop your own philosophy (religion). And they wonder who created us? Were the gods? Where are these gods? The evolving: Is there only one God? Where is this God? There are including atheists.
They say there is no God. It is all existence through evolution. From the simple to the complex, from the lower to the higher. So there are no gods and not one God. But there was the big bang and it was our universe. Everything is expanding. And the further we can see out there is expanding faster and faster.
Then one of the said. It is all very different. We live in a space-time. The speed of light is constant. The faster you move the more, the slower time passes. etc.
Then one there are the smallest particles.
Atoms but Shareable. There is a particle zoo. Then we develop provide a machine where we find how small the particles still are. They of course never came to 0 and 1, and so the story went on and on.
may That is the whole Internet a development of many people, of course, so a small Atavar never seen. Everybody says there is only our world. There is nothing else. Because we exist people who do not know and do not believe it. You will never to get to know our world. Although the Internet is sometimes switched off, all Atavare are gone. The world of the Internet does not exist anymore.
Creation of the Internet and off the Internet.
We do not know if we will ever get to know our Creator. Perhaps and perhaps not. Let us surprise.