March 30, 2016
The real
world is our common home.
The unreal
world is our home abnormal.
In the
unreal world we live in 2016th
In the real
world there is no chronology.
There are in
the real world, a planet.
There are in
the unreal world, a ground.
From the
real world, the unreal world is created.
The real
essence of the real world to create on the earth unreal unreal beings. Us.
Animals and plants.
We live in
the real world and incarnated and to the unreal world.
I am the
real essence as unreal beings.
ichwirklich look I do not know.
Like my real
name is, I do not know.
What color I
really I do not know.
Whether I
have siblings in the real world I do not know.
Parents or
grandparents I did not there. Since I there has always existed and will always
had parents
and grandparents and other ancestors on this unreal world, I do not have in the
real world!
these people exist in the real world! There are, however, not my ancestors, but
they are equal beings like me.
Once again,
my siblings, my ancestors are all the same age and equal beings as I am there.
So I live in
the real world as a real entity (forever) and here as unreal beings named
Rudolf Prause maximum of 100 years.
So I believe
in a creation of our universe. I do not believe in evolution.
I do not
believe in the creation of Adam and Eve by a god or several gods. And certainly
not. To the creation of the earth or the universe by God or many gods
No, the real
space be created many unreal worlds. Namely, the real essence of the real world
created these unreal worlds. Among our unreal world.
So our real
earth created our unreal earth.
In the
unreal world we are visiting and on the real world we live.
I am looking
forward to my home.